Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Sciropescire Fly Agaric Solution (Mushroom Puzzle)

Sciropescire Fly Agaric Solution.png
This is a page on how to solve the Fly Agaric Mystery (Mushroom Puzzle) in Sciropescire in Assassin's Creed Valhalla (AC Valhalla). Read on to find out how to beat these hallucination challenges!

Fly Agaric Location

The challenge is located southwest of Dudmastun Lake. It is in front of a large tree, surrounded by stones.

Fly Agaric Solution

Sciropescire Fly Agaric Complete.png
You must change the flames of every pyre surrounded by a circular formation of rocks to blue to complete this challenge.

Step World View Solution
1 Change the flames of the pyre immediately to your left from where you ate the mushrooms.
2 Head towards second pyre encircled by rocks and change its flame.
3 The last pyre is located directly to the right of the second one. Change its flame's color.
4 Walk through the archway to complete the challenge.
The archway is just behind the fly agaric's position.

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