Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Cent Fly Agaric Solution (Mushroom Puzzle)

Fly Agaric Cent Agaric Solution.png
This is a page on how to solve the Fly Agaric Mystery (Mushroom Puzzle) in Cent in Assassin's Creed Valhalla (AC Valhalla). Read on to find out how to beat these hallucination challenges!

Fly Agaric Location

The challenge is located in the lush forest along the border that divides Suthsexe and Cent.

Fly Agaric Solution

Fly Agaric Cent Complete.png
The clues can be found on the spiral path that spawns when you eat the mushrooms.

Follow the path up and take note of the animals and symbols. These denote the order you should enter the archways below.

Step World View Solution
1 Walk through the archway in a small pond with fish floating in the air.
2 Walk through the archway surrounded by fire.
3 Walk through the archway with thorns and horns around it.
4 Walk through the archway where birds fly away from when you get close.

Related Guides

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Other Fly Agarics

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5 Anonymousover 1 year

What does he say after completing the challenge was looking to write it down

1 Anonymousover 2 years

I am literally doing this evening before I looked up how to. Think my game won't let me complete it although I've been back 4 5 times


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