Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Erik Loyalskull Strategies | Ragnar's Lost Drengr

This is a guide about Erik Loyalskull, one of Ragnar's Lost Drengr in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla (AC Valhalla). Read on to learn Erik Loyalskull's location and strategies against him!

Erik Loyalskull Location

Erik is located deep inside Hildesvini's Crag, northeast of Fornburg.

How to Beat Erik Loyalskull

Erik Loyalskull - Boss strategies.png

  • Erik is arguably the most aggressive of Ragnar's Drengr. Watch out for his quick light attack combos and sprinting attacks at all times.
  • Most of Erik's melee attacks are light. Parry these in quick succession to stagger him.
  • Erik can use the Throwing Axe Fury ability from range. Always keep your stamina full and be prepared to dodge all of the axes.
  • You can throw one of the axes back towards him if you have the Missile Reversal skill.
  • Erik swaps his main hand axe with his hammer after he uses the Throwing Axe Fury ability.
  • Erik can swap the positions of his weapons anytime. Look out for slow but heavy-hitting attacks whenever his hammer is in his main hand.
  • Erik's weak spots can be easily shot with arrows. Use this vulnerability to your advantage.
  • Pace your attacks throughout the fight. Erik can easily parry your attacks as well, leaving you staggered and vulnerable afterward.

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