Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Nokkfylla Shine-Eye Strategies | Ragnar's Lost Drengr

This is a guide about Nokkfylla Shine-Eye, one of Ragnar's Lost Drengr in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla (AC Valhalla). Read on to learn Nokkfylla Shine-Eye's location and strategies against him!

Nokkfylla Shine-Eye Location

Nokkfylla Shine-Eye is located in Brunton Turret, along the northern border of Eurvicscire.

How to Beat Nokkfylla Shine-Eye

Nokkfylla Shine-Eye - Boss Strategies.png

  • Nokkfylla uses his dane axe in a one-handed stance. Watch out for his long reach and wide swings at all times.
  • Nokkfylla's move set mostly consists of light attack combos. Parry these in quick succession to knock him off balance.
  • Nokkfylla's heavy attack resembles the Kick of Tyr ability. Dodge out of this attack to avoid getting knocked down.
  • Nokkfylla tends to use the Dive of the Valkyries ability to close the distance between you and him. Prepare to dodge out of the way at all times.
  • While Nokkfylla's weak spots seem more vulnerable compared to other Drengr, his quick and feral move set allows him to get out of the way whenever you aim at him. Use the Focus of the Nornir ability to give you enough time to shoot each weak spot.

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