Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Skegjold Frenzy-Seeker Strategies | Ragnar's Lost Drengr

This is a guide about Skegjold Frenzy-Seeker, one of Ragnar's Lost Drengr in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla (AC Valhalla). Read on to learn Skegjold Frenzy-Seeker's location and strategies against her!

Skegjold Frenzy-Seeker Location

Skegjold is located in the ruins of Thynghowe in the region of Snotinghamscire.

How to Beat Skegjold Frenzy-Seeker

Skegjold the Frenzy-Seeker - Boss Strategies.png

  • Skegjold's special brew lets you regenerate adrenaline throughout the fight. Use this to your advantage and spam your abilities!
  • Skegjold regenerates a small portion of health per second because of her special brew. Be aggressive and stay on the offensive as much as possible.
  • Skegjold's main hand shuffles between her hammer and seax.
  • Be mindful of Skegjold's leaping attacks whenever she uses her hammer.
  • Skegjold can throw her main hand seax towards you before swapping to her hammer. Always be ready to dodge at all times.
  • You can throw the seax back towards her if you have the Missile Reversal skill.
  • Skegjold can use the Dive of the Valkyries ability to close the distance between you and her. Dodge out of the way whenever she performs this.

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