Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

How to Beat Liu Bei (Second Encounter): Boss Fight Strategy Guide

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty - Liu Bei Second Encounter Banner
Liu Bei (Second Encounter) is a boss fight found in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. Read on to check out Liu Bei (Second Encounter)'s moveset, weaknesses, item drops, along with how to beat Liu Bei (Second Encounter) here!

Liu Bei Boss Guides
Liu Bei First EncounterFirst Encounter Liu Bei Second EncounterSecond Encounter

Liu Bei (Second Encounter) Info

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty - Liu Bei (Second Encounter) Icon
Liu Bei (Second Encounter)
Morale Rank 20
Genuine Qi 32439
Copper 16479
Behold the Glaive of Righteousness
Item Drops

Liu Bei (Second Encounter) Movesets

Normal Attacks

Rotating Slash
Ball Lightning
Slash Combo
Sweeping Retreat
Electric Wave
Gliding Slash
Twin Strike

Rotating Slash

Liu Bei twirls his body with his blades extended in an attempt to slash the player.

Ball Lightning

Independent Discharge Liu Bei summons ball lightning that discharge electric waves after a set amount of time.
Discharge on contact Liu Bei summons ball lightning and then throws them at the player.
Delayed Discharge Liu Bei places ball lightning near the player with a delayed discharge while performing Gliding Slash.

Liu Bei summons Ball Lightning that have different properties depending on which variation is used.

Slash Combo

A 5-hit sword slash attack with a tail sweep hidden between the 2nd and 3rd slashes.

Sweeping Retreat

Liu Bei sweeps his tail in the area infront of him while simultaneously retreating backwards.

Electric Wave

Liu Bei slams his blades into the ground and summons a damaging wave of electricty in the player's direction.

Gliding Slash

Liu Bei takes to the air and performs a series of twists and turns while slashing at the player. This attack is often used only once, but may be used up to four consecutive times.

Twin Strike

Liu Bei raises both his blades and swings them downward at the player.

Critical Blows

Arc Slash

Liu Bei rises into the air and then throws three waves of energy at the player.

How to Beat Liu Bei (Second Encounter) (General Tips)

Increase your Lightning resistance

Liu Bei uses a lot of Lightning-based attacks, so increase your lightning resistance by equipping an item with a high metal value or increasing your metal virtue.

Buff before entering the boss arena

The boss encounter begins immediately after entering the boss arena. While the Spirit Gauge may reset, the buffs you had before you entered will remain. So make sure to apply your buffs before entering the arena.

Deflect Ball Lightning

The Independent Discharge variation of Ball Lightning discharges when touched. Deflect the ones nearest to you to make dodging the oncoming lightning waves easier to manage.

Parry Arc Slash twice

Arc Slash has a total of three waves. Deflect the first wave to block the second wave. And then deflect the third wave to return it to Liu Bei.

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