Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

List of Characters

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty - List of Characters

There are a lot of characters to meet in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. Read on for a full list of characters, including allies and other characters, and learn about their backstories, equipment, and skills.

List of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Characters

Main Character and Allies

All Characters
Wo Long Fallen Dynasty - Male Main Character Icon Wo Long Fallen Dynasty - Female Main Character Icon
Main Character
Wo Long Fallen Dynasty - Zhao YunZhao Yun Wo Long Fallen Dynasty - Liu Bei Liu Bei
Wo Long Fallen Dynasty - Guan Yu Guan Yu Wo Long Fallen Dynasty - Zhang Fei Zhang Fei Wo Long Fallen Dynasty - Hong Jing Hong Jing Wo Long Fallen Dynasty - Sun Jian Sun Jian
Wo Long Fallen Dynasty - Cao Cao Cao Cao Wo Long Fallen Dynasty - Sun Ce Sun Ce Wo Long Fallen Dynasty - Xiahou Yuan Xiahou Yuan Wo Long Fallen Dynasty - Xiahou Dun Xiahou Dun
Cheng PuCheng Pu Han DangHan Dang Huang GaiHuang Gai Sun QuanSun Quan
Xun YunXun Yun Guo JiaGuo Jia Zhang LiaoZhang Liao

Main Character

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The main character in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is a warrior expected to subdue a growing uprising in ancient China, while battling against a mysterious evil force that is corrupting the country.

You can decide the protagonist's gender, appearance, and other features in Character Creation mode.

Character Creation Guide

Zhao Yun

Zhao YunZhao Yun (Earth) Weapon:
Unparalleled Spear
Helmet of Boldness
Armor of Boldness
Gauntlets of Boldness
Greaves of Boldness
Warrior Effects:
Default: Spirit gain from deflecting +4.0%
Oath Level 5: Morale Rank Points Gain +6.0%

Zhao Yun is a warrior from Zhending County, Changshan Commandery, with the courtesy name Zilong. Known to many as Zhao Zilong of Changhan, he is famed as a virtually peeless warrior of imposing stature and countenance.

He is a reliable and dignified man who shows no interest in gaining rank or fortune, instead seeking to serve under a just lord to resolve the plight of the common people.

Zhao Yun Equipment and Warrior Effect

Liu Bei

Liu BeiLiu Bei (Wood) Weapon:
Pair Swords of Aspiration
Man of Benevolence Crown
Man of Benevolence Armor
Man of Benevolence Gauntlets
Man of Benevolence Footwear
Warrior Effects:
Default: HP +18
Oath Level 5: Alliance Spirit Defense +24

Liu Bei, courtesy name Zuande, is a general and politician hailing from Zhuo County of Zhuo Commandery. He is a man of passion and justice who values encounters forged through bonds with others and the connections they share.

Liu Bei Equipment and Warrior Effect

Guan Yu

Guan YuGuan Yu (Earth) Weapon:
Azure Dragon Crescent
Ser Magnificent Beard Crown
Ser Magnificent Beard Armor
Ser Magnificent Beard Gauntlets
Ser Magnificent Beard Greaves
Warrior Effects:
Default: Received Damage -2.4%
Oath Level 5: Restore HP upon Deflecting Critical Blow

Guan Yu, courtesy name Yunchang, hails from Xie County, Hedong Commandery. Now serving Liu Bei, he and Zhang Fei are reputed as Rivals of the Masses, as each are considered to be worth a legion of soldiers alone.

Guan Yu is also famous for his long and impressive beard and is widely respected for his loyalty and righteousness.

Guan Yu Equipment and Warrior Effect

Zhang Fei

Zhang FeiZhang Fei (Fire) Weapon:
Invictus Serpent Spear
Fierce Zhang Fei Bandana
Fierce Zhang Fei Armor
Fierce Zhang Fei Gauntlets
Fierce Zhang Fei Footwear
Warrior Effects:
Default: Martial Arts Damage +3.6%
Oath Level 5: Received Damage While Attacking -2.9%

Zhang Fei, courtesy name Yide, is a general hailing from Zhuo Commandery. His valor, along with Guan Yu's, is alluded to as matching that of ten thousand men. Though ill-mannered at times, Zhang Fei is cheerful and quick to make friends.

He is also a hedonistic drinker, and his frequent inebriety has caused blunders on more than a few occassions.

Zhang Fei Equipment and Warrior Effect

Hong Jing

Hong JingHong Jing (Wood) Weapon:
Jade-Green Staff
Tianzhu Hermit Conical Hat
Tianzhu Hermit Robe
Tianzhu Hermit Bracers
Tianzhu Hermit Footwear
Warrior Effects:
Default: Wizardry Spell Spirit Consumption -2.6%
Oath Level 5: Wizardry Spell Damage +4.0%

Having a cheerful personality and well composed, Hong Jing seldom lets most trivial matters move her. While she is skilled at healing Wizardry Spells, handling weapons is not her specialty, leading her to look up to those who are talented in martial arts.

Hong Jing Equipment and Warrior Effect

Sun Jian

Sun JianSun Jian (Metal) Weapon:
Guiding Blade
Vicious Tiger Helmet
Vicious Tiger Armor
Vicious Tiger Gauntlets
Vicious Tiger Greaves
Warrior Effects:
Default: Spirit Attack Damage +3.6%
Oath Level 5: Spirit Sustainability +18

Sun Jian from Fuchun County, Wu Commandery, also known by the courtesy name Wentai, is a warlord seerving in the final days of the Han Empire. His background is a mystery, with some speculating that he descends from Sun Tzu, author of The Art of War.

It is in fact the Sun lineage from which Sun Jian derives his strength - even without Elixir, he wields Qi masterfully and can take on demons toe-to-toe.

Sun Jian Equipment and Warrior Effect

Cao Cao

Cao CaoCao Cao (Metal) Weapon:
Heaven's Reliance
Unscrupulous Hero Crown
Unscrupulous Hero Armor
Unscrupulous Hero Gauntlets
Unscrupulous Hero Greaves
Warrior Effects:
Default: Damage to Enemies with Negative Effects +4.0%
Oath Level 5: Marking Flag Detection

Cao Cao is a warlord, stateman, and writer from Qiao County in Pei State, also known by the courtesy name Menge. Cao Cao is known for his flexibility and ability to accept the truth, no matter how unusual or distressing it may seem.

On the other hand, he is highly suspicious, and some of his actions have been widely criticized as arrogant and merciless.

Cao Cao Equipment and Warrior Effect

Sun Ce

Sun CeSun Ce (Fire) Weapon:
Tiger Fan Dual Halberds
Young Conqueror Bandana
Young Conqueror Garb
Young Conqueror Gauntlets
Young Conqueror Greaves
Warrior Effects:
Default: Spirit Gain from Normal Attacks +3.5%
Oath Level 5: Spirit Damage Received while Attacking -3.5%

Sun Ce, courtesy name of Bofu, is a warrior hailing from Fuchun County of Wu Commandery and the eldest sun of Sun Jian. He could fight demons by controlling Qi without resorting to Elixir.

He enjoys a story with a good laugh and is generally open-hearted, though he can be hot-blooded at times and has a tendency to be overconfident.

Sun Ce Equipment and Warrior Effect

Xiahou Yuan

Xiahou YuanXiahou Yuan (Water) Weapon:
Helmet of Rushing
Armor of Rushing
Gauntlets of Rushing
Greaves of Rushing
Warrior Effects:
Default: Ranged Attack Damage +4.2%
Oath Level 5: Ammo Retrieval Upon Ranged Attack 7.2%

Xiahou Yuan, courtesy name Miaocai, is a warrior from Qiao County of Pei State, and brother to Xiahou Dun. He was adept in finding ways of ambushing the enemy. Also a master of archery, he could accurately fire three arrows simultaneously. While a valiant general in his own right, he is sometimes reckless and is often reprimanded by Cao Cao.

Xiahou Yuan Equipment and Warrior Effect

Xiahou Dun

Xiahou DunXiahou Dun (Earth) Weapon:
Vermillion Bird Greataxe
Helmet of Staunchness
Armor of Staunchness
Gloves of Staunchness
Greaves of Staunchness
Warrior Effects:
Default: Status Effects Resistance 7.2%
Oath Level 5: Spirit Consumption -2.2%

Xiahou Dun, courtesy name Yuanrang, is a general hailing from Qiao County of Pei State. He was known as a calm, collected, and highly capable individual, while also fiercely loyal and brave. He was aso humble and modest, purportedly delivering all excess wealth unto his soldiers.

Xiahou Dun Equipment and Warrior Effect

Cheng Pu

Cheng PuCheng Pu (Fire) Weapon:
Iron Poled Snake Spear
Lead Tiger Servant Cap
Lead Tiger Servant Armor
Lead Tiger Servant Gauntlets
Lead Tiger Servant Greaves
Warrior Effects:
Default: Negative Effect Removal Upon Fatal Strike
Oath Level 5: HP Restoration From Melee Attack Damage

Cheng Pu is a warrior from the Tuyin County of Youbeiping Commandery who serves under Sun Jian's forces. Known as Duke Cheng by his peers, he often clashed with other soldiers of the clan though he was respected for his commanding attitude.

Cheng Pu Equipment and Warrior Effect

Han Dang

Han DangHan Dang (Earth) Weapon:
Curve-Headed Glaive
Dauntless Tiger Servant Helmet
Dauntless Tiger Servant Armor
Dauntless Tiger Servant Gauntlets
Dauntless Tiger Servant Greaves
Warrior Effects:
Default: Received Ranged Attack Damage -2.9%
Oath Level 5: Damage Reduction Upon Martial Arts

An archer possessing uncanny strength, Han Dang is one of Sun Jian's top brass due to his bravery and his strict adherence to proper military conduct.

Han Dang Equipment and Warrior Effect

Huang Gai

Huang GaiHuang Gai (Water) Weapon:
Hook Blades of King Helu
Stalwart Tiger Servant Cap
Stalwart TIger Servant Armor
Stalwart Tiger Servant Gauntlets
Stalwart Tiger Servant Footwear
Warrior Effects:
Default: HP recovery upon Fatal Strike +24
Oath Level 5: Fatal Strike Damage +4.6%

A minor official in Lingling Commandery, Huang Gai joined Sun Jian's forces alongside Cheng Pu and Han Dang. His unprejudiced attitude towards everyone earned him adoration from his subordinates and other fringe clans.

Huang Gai Equipment and Warrior Effect

Sun Quan

Sun QuanSun Quan (Metal) Weapon:
Blue-Eyed Child Helmet
Blue-Eyed Child Armor
Blue-Eyed Child Gauntlets
Blue-Eyed Child Greaves
Warrior Effects:
Default: Damage Amplification to Enemy Upon Ranged Attack
Oath Level 5: Ammo Replenish Upon Fatal Strike +1

Sun Quan is the second eldest son of Sun Jian and a politician from the Fuchun County of Wu Commandery. Unlike his father and brother, he has a modest personality and

Sun Quan Equipment and Warrior Effect

Xun Yu

Xun YuXun Yu (Wood) Weapon:
Saint's Virtue
Prefect Xun Hat
Prefect Silk Garb
Prefect Xun Gloves
Prefect Xun Footwear
Warrior Effects:
Default: Restore HP +2.4%
Oath Level 5: Genuine Qi Obtention +9.6%

Known as the King's Advisor, Xun Yu served as a palace official to Dong Zhuo but withdrew due to the latter's brutality.

He fled to Ji Province and received a reception from Yuan Shao. He later left to pledge allegiance to Cao Cao due to Yuan Shao's lack of virtue.

Xun Yun Equipment and Warrior Effect

Guo Jia

Guo JiaGuo Jia (Metal) Weapon:
Night Owl Cane
Libationer Guo Crown
Libationer Guo Overcoat
Libation Guo Gloves
Libationer Guo Footwear
Warrior Effects:
Default: Enemy Status Effect Accumulation +7.2%
Oath Level 5: Negative Effect Duration on Enemies +3.6%

Guo Jia is a general originally serving under Yuan Shao. However, he deserted due to the warlord's lack of talent as a leader and soon joined Cao Cao's forces.

Guo Jia Equipment and Warrior Effect

Zhang Liao

Zhang LiaoZhang Liao (Water) Weapon:
Dire Tiger
Valorous Vanguard Helmet
Valorous Vanguard Armor
Valorous Vanguard Gauntlets
Valorous Vanguard Greaves
Warrior Effects:
Default: Power Gain Upon Fatal Strike
Oath Level 5: Martial Arts Spirit Consumption -2.6

Originally a general serving under Lu Bu, Zhang Liao becomes an ally after being defeated by the main protagonist and serves Cao Cao as his aide.

Zhang Liao Equipment and Warrior Effect

Other Characters

Other Characters
Zuo Ci YuanfangZuo Ci Blindfolded BoyBlindfolded Boy Taoist in BlackTaoist in Black Yuan Shao BenchuYuan Shao
Lady Zhen Lady Zhen Dong Zhou ZhongyingDong Zhou Li Jue ZhiranLi Jue Guo SiGuo Si
Xu RongXu Rong Zhang JiaoZhang Jiao Zhang BaoZhang Bao Zhang LiangZhang Liang
Bo CaiBo Cai Huangfu Song YizhenHuangfu Song Zhang RangZhang Rang

Zuo Ci

Zuo Ci Yuanfang

The leader of the Tianzhu hermits, Zuo Ci is well versed in legends pertaining to Elixir and Demonic Qi, along with a diverse wealth of knowledge.

He can change his form to that of a crane with a wizardry illusion, allowing him to travel to remote locations and fend off enemy attacks.

Zuo Ci: Services and How to Unlock

Blindfolded Boy

Blindfolded Boy

The blindfolded boy is a young man whose true identity is unknown. He has a calm demeanor and keen intellect beyond his young years, meaning he isn't easily fazed. He is not fond of violence but will take up arms to protect himself.

How to Beat Blindfolded Boy

Taoist in Black

Taoist in Black

The Taoist in black is an unkown origin. Although almost a hundred years old, he remains in good health thanks to Elixir's effects. He is also adept in manipulation of evil Demonic Qi.

He is able to disguise himself as other people and take advantage of the bonds they share with others. He has no regard for human life and the fate of those who become demons, doing whatever he must to complete his quest.

How to Beat Yu Ji

Yuan Shao

Yuan Shao Benchu

Upon Zhang Rang's defeat, Yuan Shao withdrew to his own territoy, Ji Province, with Lady Zhen. Upon learning from Lady Zhen that he was destined by astrology to obtain great power, he began to aspire to a domineering ambition.

How to Beat Yuan Shao

Lady Zhen

Lady Zhen

Lady Zhen is a young lady hailing from Wuji County of Zhongshan Commandery. Born into a wealthy family of high ranking officials, she had learned to read astrological signs at an early age.

Dong Zhou

Dong Zhuo Zhongying

Dong Zhuo, courtesy name Zhongying, is a general and politician hailing from Lintao County of Longxi Commandery. He was gifted in martial arts, had uncanny physical strength, and could shoot a bow from atop a horse with either arm.

Widely notorious for being a violent and brutal man, Dong Zhuo is disposed to cruelty. Those who came after him would affirm that there had not lived a more cruel man than he.

Li Jue

Li Jue Zhiran

Li Jue, courtesy name Zhiran, is a warrior who was active during the end of the Later Han period. He was also supersitious, always ensuring he was accompanied by withces.

How to Beat Li Jue

Guo Si

Guo Si

Quo Si is a warrior who was active during the end of the Later Han period. He was a fearsome warrior, and more tactically minded than Li Jue. He was sometimes known as Guo Duo, taken partly from his childhood name.

How to Beat Guo Si

Xu Rong

Xu Rong

Xu Rong is a warrior hailing from Xuantu Commandery. In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, he is depicted as being involved in a vicious battle with Cao Cao's forces, but there is no mention of him fighting against Sun Jian's army.

Zhang Jiao

Zhang Jiao

Zhang Jiao, hailing from Julu Commandery, is one of the leaders of the Yellow Turbans, as well as the originator of Taiping Taoism.

Eventually, his followers numbered in the hundreds of thousands and he took on the title of General of Heaven. He bade his followers in all provinces to rise up, greatly disturbing the order and rulership of the Imperial Court.

How to Beat Zhang Jiao, General of Heaven

Zhang Bao

Zhang Bao

Zhang Bao, hailing from Julu Commandery, is one of the leaders of the Yellow Turbans. He is the brother of Zhang Jiao and Zhang Liang. The three started a rebellion to unseat the corrupt House of Han and take power for themselves to realize their Yellow Heaven.

Zhang Bao took on the title of General of Earth, and tormented the imperial army using his fearsome sorcery.

How to Beat Zhang Bao, General of Earth

Zhang Liang

Zhang Liang
Zhang Liang, hailing from Julu Commandery, is one of the leaders of the Yellow Turbans, along with his brothers, Zhang Jiao and and Zhang Bao, who received Elixir from a black-clad Taoist atop a mountain.

With their newfound power, the three started a rebellion to unseat the corrupt House of Han and take power for themselves. Zhang Liang took on the title of General of Man, and in the absence of Zhang Jiao, led the Yellow Turbans as they repelled the impreial army.

How to Beat Zhang Liang, General of Man: Boss Fight Strategy Guide

Bo Cai

Bo Cai
Bo Cai is an officer belonging to the Yellow Turbans. In responce to the call to arms of Zhang Jiao, the originator of the Taiping Taoism, Bo Cai banded together with Zhang Macheng, Zhang Yan, and Zhang Nuihiao of Boling Commandery.

How to Beat Bo Cai

Huangfu Song

Huangfu Song Yizhen

Huangu Song, courtesy name Yizhen, is a warrior hailing from Chaona County of Anding Commandery. He was born well-read and martially skills, and a trained mounted archer. His loyal and amiable personality, along with the fact that he rarely played up his achievements, meant he was liked by all who knew him.

Zhang Rang

Zhang Rang
Zhang Rang, hailing from Yingchuan Commandery, is one of the chief eunuchs serving under the emperor. Attending the court from a young age and well favored by the emperor, he gradually came to power.

Lusting after material wealth and consumed by greed, he would appoint anyone in his favor to prominent positions such as province inspector or would sell them Elixir. Under his presence, the Imperial Court became completely corrupt.

How to Beat Zhang Rang

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