Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

List of Metal Phase Spells

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty - List of Metal Phase Spells

This is a guide on the Metal Phase Spells in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. Read on to see a list of all the Metal phase spells and a recommended learning order of which wizardry spells to unlock.

List of Metal Phase Spells

Metal phase is one of the five subcategories of wizardry spells in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. Wizardry spells under the Metal phase focus on sabotaging Listed below are all the spells that can be learned for this elemental phase.

Spell Information
Poison Bubbles IconPoison Bubbles Effect:
Releases bubbles of poison that will burst and generate a posion bog when they hit enemies or terrain. The bog will cause damage over time to enemies touching it
Required Virtue: 1
Required Morale: 0
Spirit Cost: 305
Previous Spell: None
Poison Corrosion IconPoison Corrosion Effect:
Emites a poison fog. The fog will cause damage over time to enemies touching it
Required Virtue: 3
Required Morale: 0
Spirit Cost: 409
Previous Spell: Poison Bubbles
Venomous Discharge IconVenomous Discharge Effect:
Releases bubbles of poison that burst and generate poison bogs. These bogs will cause damage over time to enemies touching them
Required Virtue: 5
Required Morale: 3
Spirit Cost: 759
Previous Spell: Poison Bubbles
Thorny Ground IconThorny Ground Effect:
Summons thorns from the ground. Enemies that step on the thorns will have reduced movement speed for a set period of time
Required Virtue: 20
Required Morale: 12
Spirit Cost: 409
Previous Spell: Poison Corrosion
Toxin Weapon IconToxin Weapon Effect:
For a certain period of time, enchants your current melee weapon with Toxin
Required Virtue: 12
Required Morale: 7
Spirit Cost: 662
Previous Spell: Poison Corrosion
Repression Crush IconRepression Crush Effect:
Releases a curse bolt to the front. Enemies hit will recover from Spirit Disruption more slowly for a certain period of time
Required Virtue: 2
Required Morale: 0
Spirit Cost: 350
Previous Spell: None
Calamity Bolts IconCalamity Bolts Effect:
Releases curse bolts to the front. Enemies hit will deal less damage for a certain period of time
Required Virtue: 4
Required Morale: 3
Spirit Cost: 555
Previous Spell: Repression Crush
Life Wither IconLife Wither Effect:
Releases a curse bolt to the front. Enemies hit will receive some damage for a certain period of time
Required Virtue: 7
Required Morale: 15
Spirit Cost: 613
Previous Spell: Repression Crush
Elemental Plague IconElemental Plague Effect:
Increases the accumulation of all status effects dealt to enemies for a certain period of time
Required Virtue: 9
Required Morale: 3
Spirit Cost: 301
Previous Spell: Calamity Bolts
Molten Calamity Thorn IconMolten Calamity Thorn Effect:
Releases a Metal Phase attack that deals damage to enemies it touches. If those enemies are inflicted with any ailments, they will be fully cured, and they will take additional damage corresponding to the number of ailments cured
Required Virtue: 30
Required Morale: 3
Spirit Cost: 818
Previous Spell: Calamity Bolts / Life Wither
Thorn Shot IconThorn Shot Effect:
Releases curse bolts that create thorns on contact with enemies or terrain. Enemies that step on the thorns will be slowed for a certain period of time
Required Virtue: 25
Required Morale: 0
Spirit Cost: 350
Previous Spell: Thorny Ground / Elemental Plague
Devouring Sweep IconDevouring Sweep Effect:
Emits a poisonous fog to sweep within a cone-shaped area of effect
Required Virtue: 13
Required Morale: 3
Spirit Cost: 409
Previous Spell: Toxin Weapon
Toxin Bubbles IconToxin Bubbles Effect:
Releases bubbles of poison to the front. Bubbles will burst and create a poison bog when they hit enemies or terrain. The bog will cause continuous damage to enemies touching it
Required Virtue: 13
Required Morale: 7
Spirit Cost: 711
Previous Spell: Venomous Discharge
Venom Snare IconVenom Snare Effect:
Releases a curse bolt to the front that will form a poison fog around the enemy it hits. The fog will cause damage over time to enemies touching it
Required Virtue: 40
Required Morale: 12
Spirit Cost: 818
Previous Spell: Devouring Sweep / Toxin Bubbles

Recommended Learning Order

# Spell
1 Repression Crush IconRepression Crush
2 Calamity Bolts IconCalamity Bolts
3 Life Wither IconLife Wither
4 Poison Bubbles IconPoison Bubbles
5 Poison Corrosion IconPoison Corrosion
6 Toxin Weapon IconToxin Weapon
... Depending on your playstyle

This is the order that allows you to learn Calamity Bolts, Life Wither, and Toxin Weapon which are easy to use. After learning Toxin Weapon, you can choose whatever wizardry spell that fits your playstyle.

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