Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

How to Beat Taotie: Boss Fight Strategy Guide

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty - Taotie Top Banner

Taotie is a boss fight found in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. Read on to check out Taotie's moveset, weaknesses, item drops, along with how to beat Taotie here!

Taotie Info

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty - Taotie Icon
Morale Rank 20
Genuine Qi 24099
Copper 13099
Centuries of Glory Burned Away
Item Drops

Taotie First Phase Movesets

Normal Attacks

Fire Ball
Giant's Fist
Arm Swipe

Fire Ball

Taotie will throw fireballs that ignite that ground for a short while. These attacks are slow, but have a wide AoE.

Giant's Fist

Taotie will attempt to punch the player with its giant, malformed, right fist.

Arm Swipe

Taotie will swipe its arm in the area infront of it, leaving behind crystalline where it passed.

Critical Blows

Rock Shards

Taotie summons three shards that fly towards the player from above.

First Phase Strategy

Utilize Fatal Strikes

First Weakspot Second Weakspot

After sufficiently lowering Taotie's spirit gauge, it will become vulnerable to a fatal strike. The first weakspot is located ontop of the goat's head.

The second weakspot will require you to climb up Taotie's body in order to reach it. Taotie will transition from his first phase into his second phase once you've triggered two fatal strikes.

Taotie Second Phase Movesets

Normal Attacks

High Jump

Taotie will leap high into the air and try to crash down on the player.

Critical Blows

Rush Attack

Taotie closes the distance between itself and the player by performing a rush attack.

How to Beat Taotie (General Tips)

Fatal Strikes are key

Taotie is treated as an event boss who will be defeated after triggering a total of three fatal strikes.

Encourage your ally

Taotie's large frame can make learning his movements difficult due to how much of his body is off-screen. Use encourage and time your deflects from a distance if you aren't familiar with Taotie's moveset yet.

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