The Witcher 3

Fake Papers Walkthrough

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Witcher 3 Quest Fake Papers

This is a guide to the quest titled Fake Papers from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Read on to learn locations, rewards, best choices, best outcomes, as well as useful tips and strategy for completing this quest.

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- Fake Papers -

Fake Papers Location and Rewards

Basic Information

Quest Number -
Region Velen
Quest Location South of the Border Post
Previous Quest -
Next Quest -


Gold Reward None
Exp Reward None
Item Reward None

How to Unlock Fake Papers

Talk to the Shady Merchant near the bridge towards. To know the exact location of the Shady Merchant see our Tips and Strategies below.

Is Fake Papers Missable or Failable?

It is possible to fail this quest if you have also failed the Side Quest: Bitter Harvest and told the Shady Merchant that his brother-in-law died.

Fake Papers Walkthrough

1 Speak with the Shady Merchant.
2 Complete the Side Quest: Bitter Harvest.
3 Return to the Shady Merchant and speak with him again.


Objective 1 and 3: Negotiating with the Merchant

Witcher 3 Choice Negotiate 1

When you first speak with the Shady Merchant, you have an additional option to lower the price of the papers or to pay 100 Crowns to immediately get the papers from him.

Witcher 3 Choice Negotiate 2

If you chose to try and negotiate with the Merchant, he will say that he can give you a discount if you help him.

Witcher 3 Choice Negotiate 3

If you asked for the details of the work he offered this will direct you to another Side Quest: Bitter Harvest. You can also use Axii (You need to have Delusion Level 1 equipped) on him to reduce the price to 50 Crowns.

If you chose to pay him for any amount he presents, it will immediately end this quest. If you have finished the Side Quest: Bitter Harvest with Albin Hart alive, you can tell him that you have already helped his brother-in-law and he will give you the papers for 25 Crowns.

How to Get a Pass to Cross Pontar in Fake Papers

Buying a transit pass is just one of the ways to obtain a pass to cross the Pontar. Another way is in the main quest Family Matters, from the baron after finding where Tamara is. The other 2 are from the side quests, A Deadly Plot, and Contract: Woodland Beast.

Fake Papers Tips and Strategies

Questing Tips

Shady Merchant Location

You can find the Shady Merchant northwest of Hanged Man's Tree and south of the Border Post if you have unlocked it.

Recommended Actions

We recommend that you try and negotiate with the merchant, use Axii on him to reduce the price, and help out his brother-in-law in order to get the papers for 25 Crowns. Doing this will yield the maximum amount of XP you can gather for this quest.

Fake Papers is somewhat worth doing

This quest gives you somewhat useful benefits when you complete it. It is up to you to decide whether the things you gain from this quest will benefit you greatly.

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All Secondary Quests

No. Quest Title Location Sugg. Level
- Flesh for Sale Trottheim 12
- Master Armorers Crow's Perch, Clan Tordarroch Forge 24
- Fists of Fury: Champion of Champions 11
- Man's Best Friend Northwest of Mulbrydale N/A
- Farting Trolls -
- Brave Fools Die Young -
- Races: Crow's Perch Crossroads west of Crow's Perch N/A
- An Unpaid Debt 15
- Witch Hunter Raids N/A
- Warehouse of Woe 13
- The Witcher's Forge 30
- Return to Crookback Bog Crookback Bog 9
- The Bastion 23
- Berengar's Blade 27
- King's Gambit Kaer Trolde 18
- Take What You Want North of Keira Metz's hut 25
- The Last Wish Hindersfjall 15
- The Fall of the House of Reardon Reardon Manor 6
- Possession Svorlag 17
- The Truth is in the Stars Benek N/A
- Gwent Quest: Skellige Style Kaer Trolde Gedyneith Gremist's workshop Kaer Muire N/A
- Thou Shalt Not Pass Border Post Western Gate 7
- Where the Cat and Wolf Play... Honorton Oreton 25
- Wild at Heart Blackbough Isolated Shack 7
- Witcher Wannabe Lindenvale 10
- A Barnful of Trouble Carsten 11
- A Dangerous Game Rosemary and Thyme 12
- A Deadly Plot Near Border Post North of Hanged Mans Tree 14
- A Feast for Crows The Bits 20
- A Final Kindness Hierarch Square 26
- A Matter of Life and Death The Bits Triss' hideout Elihal's workshop Vegelbud Residence 12
- A Tome Entombed Novigrad sewers 13
- A Walk on the Waterfront Harborside 12
- A Warm Welcome Road southwest of Wheat Fields N/A
- An Eye for an Eye Hanged Man's Tree Temerian Partisan hideout 12
- Cabaret Rosemary and Thyme 14
- Carnal Sins Vilmerius Hospital Crippled Kate's Vegelbud Residence Novigrad Docks 16
- Drunken Rabble In front of The Golden Sturgeon N/A
- Empty Coop Hut between Honeyfill Meadworks and Dancing Windmill N/A
- Fencing Lessons Var Attre Villa Seven Cats Inn 12
- Fists of Fury: Novigrad The Golden Sturgeon North of Portside Gate East of Southern Gate Farcorners 23
- Gwent Quest: Big City Players Sigismund's Bathhouse Passiflora Forest outside Novigrad N/A
- Gwent Quest: Playing Innkeeps Inn at the Crossroads The Alchemy The Kingfisher Inn N/A
- Gwent Quest: Playing Thaler Seven Cats Inn N/A
- Haunted House Novigrad 7
- A Bard's Beloved Cave east-northeast of Palisade 15
- Hey, You Wanna Look at my Stuff? Northwest of the Silverton merchant 6
- Abandoned Sawmill Abandoned Sawmill 24
- Armed Assault Southeast of Rannvaig 15
- Call of the Wild Just east-southeast of Arinbjorn signpost N/A
- Hidden Messages of the Nilfgaardian Kind West of the Crooked house Crippled Kate's Gildorf sewers 8
- Crime and Punishment Peninsula east of Ancient Crypt Rogne 18
- Finders Keepers Small island north of Giants' Toes Svorlag 24
- Brothers In Arms: Velen Velen 22
- Fists of Fury: Skellige The New Port Arinbjorn Harviken Northeast of Urialla Harbor 30
- Brothers In Arms: Novigrad Novigrad 22
- High Stakes Passiflora 26
- Brothers In Arms: Skellige Skellige 22
- Honor Among Thieves Whoreson Junior's Casino Putrid Grove 9
- Brothers In Arms: Nilfgaard Royal Palace 22
- For Fame and Glory West of Larvik 15
- It Takes Three to Tango Kingfisher Inn 28
- From a Land Far, Far Away Island east of Redgill Ursten Widows' Grotto 13
- Hard Times Road between Miners' Camp and Blandare Kaer Trolde 21
- Iron Maiden Hill east of Harviken 19
- Master of the Arena Hov 14
- Peace Disturbed Cave southeast of Kaer Trolde Harbor and southwest of Rogne 25
- Shock Therapy Gedyneith 24
- Karmic Justice Between Tretogor Gate and Southern Gate N/A
- Stranger in a Strange Land West of Sund 14
- The Cave of Dreams Inn at Arinbjorn Kaer Muire 14
- The Four Faces of Hemdall Eastern coast of Ard Skellig Islet southwest of Hindarsfjall Freya's Temple N/A
- The Heroes' Pursuits: For the Goddess' Glory Larvik Freya's Garden N/A
- The Heroes' Pursuits: Kaer Trolde Rannvaig Kaer Trolde N/A
- The Lord of Undvik Kaer Trolde Undvik 17
- The Path of Warriors Trail to Yngvar's Fang Yngvar's Fang 16
- Little Red Yantra 15
- Message from an Old Friend Books and Scrolls N/A
- Novigrad Hospitality Roadside between Yantra and Sarrasin Grange 8
- The Sad Tale of the Grossbart Brothers Blandare Grotto 26
- Woe is Me Palisade N/A
- Worthy of Trust Kaer Trolde Harbor North of Crossroads Fyresdal N/A
- Greenhouse Effect - 27
- Novigrad, Closed City (II) Northwest of Hierarch Square N/A
- Monster Slayer Lakeside Hut 26
- Trail of Echoes - N/A
- Novigrad, Closed City Northwest of Hierarch Square 11
- Now or Never Novigrad 14
- Of Dairy and Darkness Novigrad 9
- Of Swords and Dumplings Aeramas' Abandoned Manor 24
- Out On Your Arse! Hattori's home The Golden Sturgeon 14
- Race: The Great Erasmus Vegelbud Memorial Derby Crippled Kate's N/A
- Racists of Novigrad Vegelbud Residence N/A
- Reason of State Road north of Portside Gate Dye pits northeast of Tretogor Gate 30
- Redania's Most Wanted Novigrad Docks St. Gregory's Bridge The Butcher's Yard theater 12
- Rough Neighborhood Est Tayiar 10
- Spooked Mare Just north of Shani's Clinic Southeast of Western Gate 12
- Strangers in the Night Hut north-northwest of Crossroads signpost N/A
- The Nithing Rannvaig 14
- Strumpet in Distress Between Eternal Fire Chapel and Vegelbud Residence N/A
- Suspicious Shakedown Behind a house north of the Rosemary and Thyme N/A
- The Dwarven Document Dilemma Farcorners 2
- The Flame of Hatred Street east of Hierarch Square N/A
- The Gangs of Novigrad Cleaver's Headquarters Whoreson Junior's casino Whoreson Junior's arena 9
- The Most Truest of Basilisks Road northeast of Novigrad Gate N/A
- The Nobleman Statuette Novigrad 14
- The Price of Passage Oxenfurt N/A
- The Soldier Statuette Caesar Bilzen's house Triss' hideout 14
- The Volunteer Oxenfurt White Eagle Fort 13
- Black Pearl The Golden Sturgeon North of Arinbjorn 13
- Gwent Quest: Collect ‘em All! Various places N/A
- Following the Thread Novigrad Water mill near Arette Seven Cats Inn Faroe 11
- Gwent Quest: Old Pals Seven Cats Inn Temerian Partisan hideout Rosemary and Thyme The Nowhere Inn Kaer Morhen N/A
- Coronation Kaer Trolde 18
- Never Trust Children The Bits Road between Arinbjorn and Sund N/A
- A Frying Pan, Spick and Span Riverside northwest of White Orchard N/A
- Faithful Friend Woesong Bridge 30
- Missing in Action Battlefield N/A
- On Death's Bed - 2
- Precious Cargo - N/A
- Twisted Firestarter Willis' forge White Orchard village N/A
- A Dog's Life Drudge 5
- A Favor for a Friend Keira Metz's hut 6
- A Greedy God South of Wastrel Manor 7
- A Towerful of Mice Fyke Isle Oreton 6
- An Invitation from Keira Metz Keira Metz's hut 6
- Bitter Harvest Battlefield south-southeast of the Border Post 9
- Blood Ties Nilfgaardian Army Group 'Center' Camp 12
- Caravan Attack Northwest of Marauders' Bridge N/A
- Ciri's Room Crow's Perch 5
- Deadly Crossing Troll Bridge Boatmakers' Hut North of Lindenvale West of Dragonslayer's Grotto N/A
- Death By Fire West of Codgers' Quarry 10
- Defender of the Faith East of Blackbough Duén Hen Along the road between Byways and Frischlow 10
- Face Me if You Dare! South of Crow's Perch Southeast of Tretogor Gate Northwest of The Golden Sturgeon N/A
- Fake Papers South of the Border Post N/A
- Fists of Fury: Velen Inn at the Crossroads Blackbough Crow's Perch Lindenvale 11
- At the Mercy of Strangers West of Mulbrydale N/A
- A Mysterious Passenger Larvik -
- Fools' Gold Lurtch 6
- For the Advancement of Learning Fyke Isle 8
- Free Spirit Snidhall Isle 13
- Forefathers' Eve Fyke Isle 7
- Funeral Pyres West of Mulbrydale 3
- Ghosts of the Past Reardon Manor Lindenvale 6
- Gwent Quest: Velen Players Benek Midcopse Oreton Crow's Perch N/A
- Harassing a Troll Far north and west of Inn at the Crossroads N/A
- Hazardous Goods Northwest of Lurtch Between Reardon Manor and Benek 4
- Highway Robbery Between Crow's Perch and Boatmakers' Hut N/A
- Highwayman's Cache East of Boatmakers' Hut N/A
- Last Rites Blackbough 9
- Yustianna Disturbed -
- The Tower Outta Nowheres 30
- The Price of Honor 14
- The Heroes' Pursuits: Fyresdal -
- Looters Heatherton Wolven Glade Toderas Codgers' Quarry N/A
- The Heroes' Pursuits: Fayrlund -
- Love's Cruel Snares Abandoned site north of Condyle 10
- The Family Blade 15
- Lynch Mob Hangman's Alley 7
- Taken as a Lass 25
- Magic Lamp The Mire 6
- Siren's Call -
- Practicum in Advanced Alchemy 24
- In Wolf's Clothing 15

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