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Best Gwent Cards

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This guide will show you the top ten best Gwent cards, based on their ability and stats. If you are looking for stronger Gwent cards to add to your deck to build a better deck, be sure and see our recommended cards!

Top 10 Best Gwent Cards

#10: Menno Coehorn

Menno CoehornMenno Coehorn
Faction Nilfgaardian Empire
Power 10
Unit Close Combat Unit
Abilities Hero and Medic

Menno takes our spot for 10th best card with its ability Medic. Menno, when used at the right time, can help you get the jump on your opponent as it can bring back cards from your discarded pile (assuming that it is a non-Hero card).

You can combo this effect with another Medic card in your discarded pile to bring back more cards from your discarded pile.

# 9: Kambi

Faction Skellige Clans
Power 0/11
Unit Close Combat Unit
Abilities Hero
Ability Details When Kambi is removed from the battlefield, Hemdall takes its place. Hemdall is a Hero card.

Kambi takes our spot for 9th best card because of its ability summon Avenger. Kambi may seem week with its 0 power, but when set up correctly, it can help you gain a big lead in the next round of the game.

#8: Yennefer of Vengerberg

Yennefer of VengerbergYennefer of Vengerberg
Faction Neutral Cards
Power 8
Unit Ranged Unit
Abilities Hero and Medic

Yennefer of Vengerberg takes our spot for the 8th best card in gwent. Yennefer can bring back discarded non hero cards back to the field with its ability Medic. When use at the right time this can help you get the lead on your opponent.

You can also combo this effect with another Medic card in your discarded pile to rack up the effect and bring back more cards.

#7: Villentretenmerth

Faction Neutral Cards
Power 7
Unit Close Combat Unit

Villentretenmerth takes the 7th spot for best card because of its ability Scorch. Scorch can help you gain a lead by destroying a high power monster in the close combat area.

Partner this card with decoy and you can ensure your lead and get a resource advantage toward your opponent.

#6: Isengrim Faoiltiarna

Isengrim FaoiltiarnaIsengrim Faoiltiarna
Faction Scoia'tael
Power 10
Unit Close Combat Unit
Abilities Hero and Morale Boost

Isengrim is the 6th card in our list of best cards in gwent. Isengrim can be a finisher and a comeback card in gwent as it can turn the tides of the battle with its ability Morale Boost.

Morale boost gives all the units in the row +1 in their power, using this at the right time can help you get the needed power to get the win.

#5: Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon

Cirilla Fiona Elen RiannonCirilla Fiona Elen Riannon
Faction Neutral Cards
Power 15
Unit Close Combat Unit
Abilities Hero

Ciri is 5th on our list of the best card in gwent. Ciri is one of the most powerful cards in the game with 15 power and with an ability of Hero. Ciri is a must have in every deck as it can give you an edge in your gwent battles with it's high power.

#4: Geralt of Rivia

Geralt of RiviaGeralt of Rivia
Faction Neutral Cards
Power 15
Unit Close Combat Unit
Abilities Hero

Geralt makes it to our 4th spot in the list for best card in gwent. Geralt of Rivia has one of the highest powers of all Gwent cars, gaming boasting a total of 15 power, and to top it all off, he has the ability Hero, which makes him immune to special cards and abilities.

#3: Decoy

Faction Special Cards
Abilities Decoy

Decoy is the 3rd best card in our list, as this gwent card is great at abusing the abilities of your non-Hero cards.

Decoy lets players bring back cards with abilities or high power cards back to their hand to use again on the same round or on the next one.

#2: Mysterious Elf

Mysterious ElfMysterious Elf
Faction Neutral Cards
Power 0
Unit Close Combat Unit
Abilities Hero and Spy

Mysterious Elf takes our spot for the 2nd best card in our list as its the best Spy card in the game.

Mysterious elf lets you draw 2 cards, thanks to the Spy ability, and to top it all off, you don't need to sacrifice giving power to your opponent because Mysterious Elf has 0 power in his arsenal.

#1: Cerys

Faction Skellige Clans
Power 10
Unit Close Combat Unit
Abilities Hero and Muster
Ability Details Its Muster effect will summon Shield Maiden cards.

Cerys is the best card on our list, as it is an all around card with great stats and ability. Cerys has a dual ability of Hero, which makes her immune to any special cards or abilities, and Muster, wherein she can summon all of the shield maiden cards in your deck.

When you summon Cerys onto the battlefield you can have a total of 26 added power with Cerys and 4 shield maidens and can even double this boost by using commander's horn.

Notable Mentions


Faction Northern Realms
Power 8
Unit Siege Unit
Abilities Tight Bond

Catapult is probably the most powerful Tight Bond card in the game, with its high power of 8, combined with another Catapult card, which will give you a total of 32 power in total.

Commander's Horn

Commander’s HornCommander’s Horn
Faction Special Cards
Abilities Commander's Horn

Commander's Horn is a powerful card, especially when paired with other cards in gwent.

Commander's Horn shines better when synergizing it with other cards with the likes of Cerys, Isengrim and other cards that boost attack will surely give you a big lead in the round.


Faction Skellige Clans
Power 8
Unit Ranged Unit
Abilities Hero and Mardroeme

Ermion, with its ability Madroeme, made it to our notable mentions list. Mardroeme triggers the transformation of all Berserker cards in the same row. Partner that with 3 Young Berserker cards, and it will surely help you get a big lead towards your opponents score for the round.

Related Links

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