The Witcher 3

List of Quests

Looking to get more ability points? See the locations for all Places of Power here:
Place of Power Locations
Trying to make more coin as quickly as possible? See our Money Making Guide!
How to Make Money Fast
Want to know the best early game builds and skills to invest in? We've got you covered!
Best Early Game Skills and Builds

This page lists walkthroughs for all main story, secondary, and DLC quests in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Click on the title of a quest from the list below to learn tips and strategies on how to complete it.

List of Quests

Witcher 3 Quests
Act 1 Act 2 Act 3
Secondary Quests Treasure Hunts Contracts
DLC Quests
Hearts of Stone Blood and Wine

How Long Does It Take to Beat the Game

Want to know how long a player usually takes to beat the game? The guide below can show the the average times to complete the game or just running the Main Quests of the game.
How Long Does it Take to Beat the Game?

Shortest Path to Complete the Game

In a hurry to complete the game? Or simply just curious to see how fast you can complete it? The guide below can show you the quickest path to finishing the game.
Shortest Path to Complete the Game

Should I Complete Brothers In Arms?

With so many Brothers In Arms quests, it is easy to wonder if it is even worth completing. The guide below can show you whether or not Completing Brothers In Arms quests are worth your time.
Should I Complete Brothers in Arms?

What are the Most Difficult Quests?

Some quests in The Witcher 3 can difficult tasks, ranging from challenging monster fights to keeping someone alive. These difficult quests will need sufficient preparation if the player would like to complete it. This guide will show you which quests are going to be the most difficult ones to complete.

What are the Most Difficult Quests?

Recommended Path to Get the Best Equipment

Having the best equipment can make playing through the game much smoother. But getting to these requires going out of the way to find them. This guide will show you the best path through the game to get the best equipment possible.
Recommended Path to Get the Best Equipment

Explanation of the Story

With plenty of characters and events happening in the world of The Witcher 3, it is easy to lose track of the story. This guide will explain the story for anyone to understand.
Explanation of the Story

Recommended Path for Experiencing the Story

With so many quests in The Witcher 3 and no way to know which quests will let you fully experience the story of The Witcher 3, it will take a while to play them all. The guide below will show you the optimal path to experience the story.
Recommended Path to Experience the Story

All Decisions Affecting the Story and Best Choices

Ciri Witcher ending.jpg
There are many decisions throughout the game that can affect the story. Some of the effects of these decisions can range from a character's fate to what ending the player will get. The guide below will show you what are these decisions and what are the best choices.
All Decisions Affecting the Story and Best Choices

The Witcher 3 Related Links

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