Stellar Blade

Abaddon Boss and How to Beat

This is a guide to the Abaddon Boss Fight in Stellar Blade. Read on to see a full guide to defeating Abaddon which includes tips against Abaddon, a full list of abaddon's attack patterns, and the best defensive options to use against each of abaddon's attacks!

Abaddon Boss Guide.png

This is a guide to the Abaddon Boss Fight in Stellar Blade. Read on to see a full guide to defeating Abaddon which includes tips against Abaddon, a full list of abaddon's attack patterns, and the best defensive options to use against each of abaddon's attacks!

Abaddon Boss Overview

Abaddon Preview
Boss Type Main
Mission Encountered Scavenger Adam

How to Beat Abaddon

checkmarkAlways Counter His First Move with Blink
checkmark2nd Phase Starts at 60% HP
checkmarkAttacks that Flash Yellow Cannot be Parried
checkmarkDrums Can be Hit for Explosive Damage

Always Counter His First Move with Blink

Abaddon will always use a move where its 2nd hit can be dodged using Blink. Block or parry the first hit then counter the 2nd hit with blink for an early advantage!

2nd Phase Starts at 60% HP

After dealing significant damage to Abaddon and reducing its HP to around 60%, Abaddon will charge up its sword with lightning and slam the ground.

This signifies the 2nd phase of the fight and Abaddon will now use more lightning attacks frequently which includes projectiles that cannot be parried as well as additional follow ups to its regular attack patterns.

Attacks that Flash Yellow Cannot be Parried

When Abaddon shows a flashing yellow during its attack animation, it implies that the move cannot be parried. Use sprint to move out of the projectile's trajectory.

Drums Can be Hit for Explosive Damage

Albeit a bit tricky, the drums on the surrounding area can be hit. After a few seconds of delay, the drums will explode and deal damage to all targets in its area of explosion. This can include EVE as well so be wary when attemting to use these barrels mid-fight!

Abaddon Attack Patterns

Double Round Slash

Counter Method Parry

Triple Round Slash - Phase 2

Counter Method Parry

Cross Slash

Counter Method Parry

Cross Slash - Phase 2

Counter Method Parry


Counter Method Parry

DualSlash - Phase 2

Counter Method Parry

Cross Dash

Counter Method 1st Slash: Parry
2nd Slash: Blink Counter

Lightning Bolts - Phase 2 Only

Counter Method *Proper Positioning
Sprinting may make you rush to a lighting bolt spot so its better to just move continuously during this attack.

Lightning Wave - Phase 2 Only

Counter Method Sprinting

Jump Slash

Counter Method Perfect Dodge or Sprint Out

Abaddon Rewards

Rewards Money and SP

Stellar Blade - Rewards Money and SP

Upon defeating Abaddon, you can be rewarded with Money and Skill Points (SP). Money is used for purchasing items from the Shop while SP is used for unlocking Skills.

Rewards Items

Item Drops
Stellar Blade -  Nano Element
Nano Element
Stellar Blade -  Extreme Polymer Material
Extreme Polymer Material

List of All Items

Rewards Gear

Gear Drops
Stellar Blade -  Beta Charge Gear
Beta Charge Gear

Stellar Blade -  Protection Gear
Protection Gear

List of All Gear

Abaddon Video Guide

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