Stellar Blade

Providence Boss and How to Beat

Stellar Blade - Providence Boss and How to Beat

Providence is a Miscellaneous Boss only found in one of the endings in Stellar Blade. Read on to know more about Providence, its location, attack patterns, rewards, as well as a detailed strategy on how to beat it.

Providence Stats and Location

Enemy Overview

Enemy Information
Stellar Blade - Providence Icon
Class Miscellaneous Boss
Combat Summary
・Tachyon Blades are placed inside of both arms of the Providence, allowing it to slice and destroy virtually anything.
・Missile, energy shells, blasters, and other weapons pour from the machine with frightening precision. Any mistakes are deadly.
・Always remember that an Airborne Squad member will be inside any activated Providence.

Cost of Lost Memories Final Boss

Cost of Lost Memories.png

Providence is the final boss in the Cost of Lost Memories ending. This ending is where you choose to take Adam's hand in the last scene.

Stellar Blade All Endings

How to Beat Providence

Providence Strategy

FIght From A Distance

Providence has many attacks and combos that are long and continuous. It is better to fight from a distance and analyze its moves first and know how to counter them.

Combat Tips and Combos

Use Burst Skill To Avoid Combo

In cases where Providence has you in a corner with one of its combos, using a Burst Skill is the way to cheese yourself out of it.

Burst Skills have an invincibility frame when used so take advantage of this benefit.

Use Equipment That Specializes in Burst Skills

Equipment Effect
Stellar Blade -  Reflex-Type Exospine
Reflex-Type Exospine
・Shield Recovery speed increases when Dodging
・Easier to use Perfect Parry / Perfect Dodge
Stellar Blade -  Burst Trance-Type Exospine
Burst Trance-Type Exospine
・Maximum Burst Energy increases by 600.
・Burst Skill Attacks +30%
・Restores 50 Burst Energy when using Level 4 combo attacks or higher.
Stellar Blade -  Burst Charge Gear
Burst Charge Gear
・Increases the amount of Burst Energy recovered
Stellar Blade -  Burst Enhancement Gear
Burst Enhancement Gear
・Increased Attack Power for Burst Skills

New Moves at 70% HP

Providence will gain additional moves once its HP goies down to 70%.

Insta-Death Attack at 50% HP

When Providence's HP goes down to 50%, it will have the new Insta-Death skill similar to Unidentified Naytiba.

You will have to shoot down all the orbs summoned by the skill in order to be safe.

Unidentified Naytiba Boss and How to Beat

At 40% HP, Fight Becomes A Scripted Battle

Stellar Blade - Providence

As you succesfully drain Providence's HP to 40% a cutscene will happen and you will transform automatically into Tachy Mode.

From here on out, this will be a scripted battle since you don't lose HP. However, there will be a timer on the right side of the screen. Defeat Providence before the timer runs out.

Tachy Mode

Providence Attack Patterns

Providence Attack Patterns

Single Strike

Availability Beginning of Battle
Color When Attacking None
How to Counter Perfect Parry

Double Strike

Availability Beginning of Battle
Color When Attacking None
How to Counter Perfect Parry

Single Strike and Slam

Availability Beginning of Battle
Color When Attacking Single Strike:
How to Counter Single Strike:
Pefect Parry
Perfect Dodge

Homing Laser Shots

Availability Beginning of Battle
Color When Attacking None
How to Counter Run Away

Double Strike and Double Slam

Availability Beginning of Battle
Color When Attacking Red
How to Counter Perfect Parry

Double Strike, Slam, and Sweep

Availability Beginning of Battle
Color When Attacking Double Strike and Slam:
How to Counter Double Strike and Slam:
Perfect Parry

7 Hit Combo

Availability Beginning of Battle
Color When Attacking First to Sixth Hit:
Sixth Hit:
How to Counter First to Sixth Hit:
Perfect Parry
Sixth Hit:
Perfect Dodge

This attack of Providence has two variations. After the first 2 hits of the combo, Providence will back away and the next crucial part is what direction it will continue the combo.

If it moves to the left, it will utilize this 7 Hit Combo.

5 Hit Combo

Availability Beginning of Battle
Color When Attacking First to Fourth Hit:
Fifth Hit:
How to Counter First to Sixth Hit:
Perfect Parry
Fifth Hit:
Perfect Dodge

When Providence moves to the right after dealing the first two hits, it will proceed with a 5 Hit Combo.

Double Strike and Exploding Arm

Availability Beginning of Battle
Color When Attacking Double Strike:
Exploding Arm:
How to Counter Double Strike:
Perfect Parry
Exploding Arm:
Perfect Dodge

Sweep and Grab

Availability Beginning of Battle
Color When Attacking Sweep:
How to Counter Sweep:
Perfect Parry

When Providence Grabs Eve

If Providence successfully grabs Eve after failing to do a Repulse, there will be a QTE (Quick Time Event) that will trigger. Input the commands correctly to save Eve from taking damage.

How to Repulse

Delayed Double Strike

Availability Beginning of Battle
Color When Attacking First Strike:
Second Strike:
How to Counter First Strike:
Perfect Dodge
Second Strike:

Dash and Shock Wave

Availability Beginning of Battle
Color When Attacking Yellow
How to Counter Jump

Scattered Laser Beam

Availability Beginning of Battle
Color When Attacking Yellow
How to Counter Run

Rush Attack

Availability Beginning of Battle
Color When Attacking Yellow
How to Counter Perfect Dodge

Exploding Orb

Availability Beginning of Battle
Color When Attacking Yellow
How to Counter Perfect Dodge

Missile Launcher

Availability Beginning of Battle
Color When Attacking Yellow
How to Counter ・Run
Perfect Dodge

Adds Exploding Orbs at 70% HP

When Providence is down to 70% HP, it will add another layer to this attack where Exploding Orbs will be launched following the missiles.

The strategy for the Exploding Orbs is the same. Perform Perfect Dodges so you can fill up your Burst Energy.

How to Perfect Dodge

Double Strike, Double Exploding Orb, and DIve

Availability Providence at 70% HP
Color When Attacking Double Strike:
Double Exploding Orb and DIve:
How to Counter Double Strike:
Perfect Parry
Double Exploding Orb and DIve:
Perfect Dodge

Single Strike, Charged Double Strike, and Grab

Availability Providence at 70% HP
Color When Attacking Single Strike:
Charged Double Strike:
How to Counter Single Strike:
Perfect Parry
Charged Double Strike:

Shock Wave

Availability Providence at 70% HP
Color When Attacking Yellow
How to Counter Jump

Missile Launcher, Scattered Laser Beam, and Double Exploding Orb

Availability Providence at 70% HP
Color When Attacking Yellow
How to Counter ・Run
Perfect Dodge

This is an attack where Providence will launch all its ranged attacks simultaneously. You can choose to run away to avoid each attack or perform Perfect Dodges to accumulate Burst Energy.

Insta-Death Attack

Availability Providence at 50% HP
Color When Attacking Yellow
How to Counter ・Run
Perfect Dodge
・Destroy the shield using Ranged Attacks

Providence uses this attack when its HP goes down to 50%. After deploying a shield, it will attack with laser beams and missiles thereafter.

Once these two attacks are completed, the Insta-Death attack will commence, destroying the shields using the Gun is the utmost priority in order to survive this attack.

How to Get the Gun

Providence Strategy Video

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List of Miscellaneous Bosses

Stellar Blade - Providence Icon


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