Stellar Blade

How to Use Ranged Attacks

Stellar Blade - How to Use Ranged Attacks

You can perform a Ranged Attack and use your Drone as a Gun by holding down the L2 Button in Stellar Blade. Learn how to use ranged attacks, when to use ranged attacks, how to change ammo, and see the list of all ammo types!

How to Use Ranged Attacks in Stellar Blade

  1. Hold L2 to Aim
  2. Press R2 to Fire

Hold L2 to Aim

After receiving the Gun upgrade from Lily in Xion City, your drone can now be used to perform Ranged Attacks.

In order to attack, you must first press the L2 Button to Aim.

Press R2 to Fire

Firing your weapon can be done by pressing the R2 Button.

There are different types of ammo to use so be sure to try them out!

Ranged Attacks Are Powerful After Repulse

Ranged Attacks become more powerful after successfully performing a Repulse.

How to Repulse

When to Use Ranged Attacks in Stellar Blade

  1. Disengage From Enemies
  2. When Low on HP
  3. When Solving Puzzles

Disengage From Enemies

Stellar Blade - Enemies in the Deteriorated Lobby.png

Engaging in combat automatically locks your focus on the enemy you are attacking, and performing combos on these enemies will make the combos continuous even if the enemy dies or runs away.

You can use your ranged attack to disengage and unlock from an enemy by aiming, and is useful when you're battling multiple enemy Naytibas at once.

When Low on HP

There are enemy attacks that only hit once but deal fatal damage, or hit multiple times and Eve can fail to avoid.

In circumstances where Eve's HP is on the low side, you might consider having her far away from the enemy and use the gun instead to defeat enemies. Just be sure to stock up on ammo.

All Ammo Items and How to Get

When Solving Puzzles

Stellar Blade - Sector A07 Puzzle.png

When solving puzzles, especially where you need to observe your surroundings, you need a way to zoom in on things. Going into Ranged Mode but not necessarily attacking is the best way to go as it can serve as your focus button as well because sometimes, scanning isn't enough.

How to Scan

How to Change Ammo in Stellar Blade

  1. Hold L2 to Aim
  2. Hold the Down Button to Swap Ammo

Hold L2 to Aim

You can change ammo by going into Ranged Mode first, so go ahead and Hold the L2 Button.

Hold the Down Button to Swap Ammo

While on Ranged Mode, you must hold the Down button on the directional pad of the controller to select ammo from your inventory.

All Ammo Types

Ammo Description
Stellar Blade - Slug.png Slug ・Default Ammunition
・Fires continuously
Stellar Blade - Blaster Cell.pngBlaster Cell ・An energy cell that can be fired from the Charge Blaster in Ranged mode.
・Charge by holding down R2 and release
Ranged Mode Weapon Shotgun Shell Shotgun Cell ・Special Ammo for Ranged Mode
・Fires one shot per round
・Fires multiple shots with scattered damage
Missile.png Stinger ・A missile that can be fired from the Stinger Missile Pad in Ranged Mode.
・Lock on to a target by pressing R2
・Releases a homing bullet
Flamethrower.png ・Special Ammo for Ranged Mode
・Fires at a really high speed with high killing power

All Ammo Items and How to Get

Stellar Blade Related Guides

Stellar Blade - Combat Tips and Combos
Combat Tips and Combos

All Combat Tips and Combos

Combat and Combo Guides
How to Perfect Dodge How to Parry and Posture System
How to Sprint Best Exospines to Equip
Shield Effect and How to Break Best Combos
How to Repulse How to Blink
How to Use Ranged Attacks EVE Best Builds


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