Stellar Blade

EVE Best Builds

Best Eve Builds
This is a guide to the best builds you can have and equip to Eve in Stellar Blade. There are multiple types of build for every purpose in the game and in this guide, we'll be listing all the build setups you can have including a Perma-Down build, DPS build, burst build, beta build, defensive build, and farming build!

Best Builds for Eve

Best Eve Builds
Perma-Down Build Burst Build Beta Build
Beta Build Defense Build SP Farming Build

Perma-Down Build

Note Use ★★ and ★★★ copies of each gear to fill in all four slots.

This build is best against taking on even the most difficult bosses of the game. The whole idea behind the build is to utilize Shock Wave and Shield Breaker Beta Skills to keep the enemies down for the entire battle.

While the enemy is lying on the ground, you'll have the chance to recover your Beta Energy by using normal combos. You can also take advantage of the Overdrive Burst Skill to have even more damage and attack speed for a short period of time.

Boss Killer Exospines

The combo is made possible thanks to the Suppression-Type Exospine, which increases the amount of time the boss is down while increasing your damage in the process. Add Beta Trance-Type Exospine into the mix, and you'll almost never run out of Beta Energy.

All Exospine Locations and How to Get

Boss Killer Gears

For the gears, you'd want Double Edged Gears ★★★ and ★★ to greatly increase your overall damage. You can equip this without having to worry about the setbacks since enemies will not be able to move at all.

All of these are further improved by Speed Increase Gears ★★★ and ★★, giving you the speed to fit more hits while the enemy is down. This results in more Beta Energy recovery and accumulated damage.

All Gear Locations and How to Get

DPS Build


Use Multiple copies of the said gear with more priority on Double Edged Gear for more DPS.

This is our recommended DPS build for EVE. Taking a single hit will greatly reduce your damage but the amount of damage you gain from this with optimal play is extremely high that you can dispatch any weak mob easily.

When played against bosses, proper utilization of potions and defensive moves such as Parrying and Perfect dodge allows you to maximize the effects of both gear which can almost double your damage output.

Burst Build


We highly recommend getting at least 2 copies of Burst Charge Gear then having 1 copy of the other two gear mentioned in the build above

This setup focuses on having maximum usage of Burst Skills. Charge Is the most important due to the low efficiency of recharging the burst gauge unlike the Beta gauge which you can quickly stack up with multiple consecutive parries.

We also capitalize on down effects from the Suppression-Type exospine due to burst skill's capabilities of applying down to enemies with every usage.

Beta Build


2 copies of Beta Enhancement Gear is recommended for the build and 1 copy of the two other gear for maximum efficiency

This is our most balanced and recommended build. Beta Enhacement enhances the effects of Beta Skills and the only Beta-related gear we have on our gear slots. We capitalize on the Beta Trance-Type exospine for the additional recharge gauge but since we can build up Beta energy from attacks and parries, no more charge boosts are needed. We added Reflex-Type Exospine for easier parry timing and coupled it with Combat Supply Gear to ensure that we can keep our HP topped up during our exploration time in the open world

We can also quickly dispatch enemies with a single use of the Shock Wave beta art (L1 + O) and if you can sweep multiple low-HP enemies, Combat Supply Gear can fill your HP to max value very quickly.

Swap out Combat Supply Gear with a Different Gear During Boss Fights

Since Combat Supply Gear is unusable on boss fights due to no other enemy you can defeat, we highly recommend swapping it out during said encounters. Gear such as duplicate copy of Perfect Combat Gear would be great but other options such as Double Edged Gear would also suffice. Alternatively, you can slot in a Beta Charge Gear if you're having trouble parrying the boss for more beta skill usage.

Defense Build


This is a defensive setup for EVE which is ideal when trying to study a boss' attack pattern. This can give you extra survivability against enemy attacks while also supplementing it with a more forgiving dodge and parry timing thanks to Reflex-Type Exospine.

SP Farming Build


This is a gear setup that aims to capitalize on a playstle that can quickly dispatch both strong and weak enemies. We use Camouflage-Type Exospine to gain an easier time to use Ambush against strong enemies. Beta Charge Gear enhances our beta skill recharge time which allows us to spam out our beta skill much faster.

Recovery-Type Exospine also allows us to stay in the fight longer and even aid us with Beta skill usage allowing us more time to roam the map and hunt more enemies. Lastly, we also capitalize on Training Gear to further increase our SP acquisition. This should allow us to quickly fill out EVE's skill tree while exploring the game's world map.

How to Build Eve

Change Her Equipment from the Menu

Stellar Blade - Exospine Equipment

To change Eve's equipment, press the Options button and head to the menu. You'll be able to change Eve's gear from this menu but if you're still starting the game, you'll notice that there will be several slots for Gear and a single slot for the exospine locked. We highly recommend progressing the game first and unlocking all Gear Slots and Eve's second exospine by progressing the main story.

Stellar Blade Story Walkthrough

Choose a Designated Goal for your Build

Stellar Blade - Gear Equipment

Once you have access to all slots and a sizable amount of Gear, you must now choose a goal for your build. Try to understand your playstyle and choose a gear setup that would fit your ideal gameplay. If you wish to rely on parrying and dodging, consider slotting in gear that gives you an advantage over using the said moves or if you want to be aggressive, consider slotting in gear that increases your combo damage!

Stellar Blade Related Guides

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Combat Tips and Combos

All Combat Tips and Combos

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How to Perfect Dodge How to Parry and Posture System
How to Sprint Best Exospines to Equip
Shield Effect and How to Break Best Combos
How to Repulse How to Blink
How to Use Ranged Attacks EVE Best Builds


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