Stellar Blade

Scavenger Adam Mission Guide

Stellar Blade - Scavenger Adam Mission Guide and Objectives

Scavenger Adam is the second main mission in Stellar Blade. Read our guide for a full walkthrough on how to complete Scavenger Adam, including all passcode and important item locations, enemies encountered, as well as boss fight tips!

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7th Airborne Squad Xion, the Last Remaining City

Scavenger Adam Mission Summary

Stellar Blade - Scavenger Adam
After a staggering loss against an Alpha Naytiba, Eve must now continue her mission by working hand in hand with a new-found companion, Adam.
Objectives 1. Go to the Hall of Records
2. Follow Adam's guidance
3. Operate the crane to go to the sewer facility
4. Go to the Alpha Naytiba location
5. Defeat the Alpha Naytiba Gigas
6. Retrieve the Alpha Core

Stellar Blade -  Gigas
Locations • Silent Street
• Parking Tower
• Abandoned Station
• Flooded Commercial Sector
• Memory Tower
• Hall of Records
• Construction Zone
• City Underground Sector
• Crater

Naytiba Enemies in Scavenger Adam

Stellar Blade -  Thornhead
Stellar Blade -  Creeper
Stellar Blade -  Beholder
Stellar Blade -  Mutated Creeper
Mutated Creeper
Stellar Blade -  Barnacle
Stellar Blade -  Cricket Slasher
Cricket Slasher
Stellar Blade -  Guardian
Stellar Blade -  Heavy Guardian
Heavy Guardian
Stellar Blade -  Hydra
Stellar Blade -  Cricket Boomer
Cricket Boomer
Stellar Blade -  Cannon Guardian
Cannon Guardian
Stellar Blade -  Dozer
Stellar Blade -  Cricket Butcher
Cricket Butcher
Stellar Blade -  Mutated Hydra
Mutated Hydra

All Naytiba Enemies

Scavenger Adam Walkthrough

Jump to a Section!
Silent Street Parking Tower Abandoned Station
Flooded Commercial Sector Memory Tower Construction Zone
City Underground Sector Crater

Silent Street Walkthrough

# Silent Street Objectives
1 Open the Locked Gate
2 Unlock the Camp and Use Its Features
3 Acquire the Fusion Cell in the Broken Car
4 Survive the Ambush
5 Climb up the Path Marked by the Legion
6 Make Your Way to the Library
7 Use the Fusion Cell to Open the Library

1. Open the Locked Gate

Stellar Blade - Silent Street Gate Passcode
The first hurdle you'll encounter in this mission is obtaining a passcode to open a locked gate. You can find the code on the body of one of the fallen legionaires lying in a nearby building.

2. Unlock the Camp and Use Its Features

Stellar Blade - Unlocking the First Camp
In this area, you'll be able to unlock your very first camp. Use the kiosk to acquire the Perfect Dodge skill, and then rest before moving on.

3. Acquire the Fusion Cell in the Broken Car

Stellar Blade - Obtaining a Fusion Cell
After resting, push deeper into the silent street. You'll eventually come across a car with a glowing hood. Attack the car to get access to a Fusion Cell, which you'll have to use later on.

4. Survive the Ambush

Stellar Blade - Surviving the Ambush
Pushing forward will lead you to an unavoidable ambush set by numerous Naytibas. Use the exploding barrels to deal a significant amount of damage to multiple nearby enemies.

You'll also encounter a new type of enemy called the Heavy Guardian. Deal with them cautiously since they pack quite a punch.

5. Climb up the Path Marked by the Legion

Stellar Blade - Path Marked by the Legion
After the ambush, make your way up the fallen buildings marked by the Legion. Swing carefully on the bars to make it all the way to the wall above.

6. Make Your Way to the Library

Stellar Blade - Proceeding to the Library
Continue that path until you reach an area with a small body of water. You can either swim and use the planks to get on the elevated staircase or climb and swing through the bars above.

This will take you to a second camp you can unlock and recuperate at.

7. Use the Fusion Cell to Open the Library

Stellar Blade - Using a Fusion Cell
From the second camp, drop down, and you should see a device you can operate using the Fusion Cell. Operate the device to open the door leading to a library.

Parking Tower Walkthrough

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Silent Street Abandoned Station
# Parking Tower Objectives
1 Unlock the Supply Camp and Use Its Features
2 Defeat the Abaddon
3 Descend to the Other Side of the Parking Tower
4 Open the Parking Tower Gate
5 Go to the Abandoned Station

1. Unlock the Supply Camp and Use Its Features

Stellar Blade - Unlocking the Supply Camp
Defeat the enemies you'll encounter in the library to make your way to the Parking Tower. Climb up the tower, and you'll eventually reach a floor with a Supply Camp. Use the camp to learn the Blink skill and to rest for the upcoming battle.

2. Defeat the Abaddon

Stellar Blade - Fighting the Abaddon
Continue going up the Parking Tower until you reach the rooftop, where you'll be greeted by a new Elite Naytiba called the Abbadon. Defeat it to be able to proceed to the Hall of Records.

4. Open the Parking Tower Gate

Stellar Blade - Opening Parking Tower Gates
Obtain two Fusion Cells and place them on the devices located at the sides of the gate. You can get one from a red supply box and another from a car on the same floor.

5. Go to the Abandoned Station

Stellar Blade - Opening the Abandoned Station Gate
After going out of the Parking Tower, turn right, and you'll be able to see another locked gate leading to the Abandoned Station. Acquire another Fusion Cell from a car nearby to open the gate.

Abandoned Station Walkthrough

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Parking Tower Flooded Commercial Sector
# Abandoned Station Objectives
1 Open the Locked Door
2 Climb the Elevator Shaft Using the Yellow Cable
3 Rest in the Second Supply Camp
4 Power up the Monorail

1. Open the Locked Door

Stellar Blade - Abandoned Station Door Passcode
Dive down the submerged station and you'll be able to see a locked door marked with a green glowing sign that says "Entrance". You can get the passcode to this door from a Legionaire's corpse in an area beside the door.

3. Power up the Monorail

To provide electricity to the monorail, you must be able to correctly disseminate the cores to fill the required energy for each column. The correct sequence is: ③-⑧-◯-⑥-◯-①

Flooded Commercial Sector Walkthrough

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Abandoned Station Memory Tower
# Flooded Commercial Sector Objectives
1 Open the 317 Gate
2 Activate the Supply Camp
3 Make Your Way Through the Unlocked Area
4 Open the Clocktower Gate
5 Pass Through the Collapsed Walkway

1. Open the 317 Gate

Stellar Blade - Gate 317 Passcode Location
The first objective upon arriving at the Flooded Commercial Sector is to open the Locked Gate labeled as 317. You can find its passcode in one of the fallen Legionaires hidden behind a group of Naytibas statues across the gate.

3. Make Your Way Through the Unlocked Area

Stellar Blade - Climbing up Area 317
Upon unlocking Gate 317, make your way up until you reach the area where a clocktower is visible. Drop down there, and you should see another gate that you'll need to unlock.

4. Open the Clocktower Gate

To open the Clocktower Gate, you'll need to input the time being shown by the clocktower, which is 12:25. Once inside, you'll see a ladder located on the left side of the area. Climb up there and continue following the path marked by the Legion.

Memory Tower Walkthrough

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Flooded Commercial Sector Construction Zone
# Memory Tower Objectives
1 Defeat the Enemies in the Area
2 Unlock the Power Control Room
3 Use the Fusion Cell to Power the Memory Tower
4 Retrieve the Hyper Cell from the Hall of Records
5 Defeat the Corrupter
6 Make Your Way Through the Shopping Alley
7 Climb Up the Collapsed Highway

2. Unlock the Power Control Room

Stellar Blade - Memory Tower Passcode Location
A passcode related to powering up the victory monument can be found on top of the stairs on the left side of the monument. After obtaining the passcode, head left, and you should see a path going underground.

3. Use the Fusion Cell to Power the Memory Tower

Stellar Blade - Memory Tower Fusion Drive
Use the passcode you've recently obtained to open a locked area in this underground passage. In there, you'll be able to obtain a Fusion Cell, which you can use to operate a nearby Fusion Drive and power up the Memory Tower.

4. Retrieve the Hyper Cell from the Hall of Records

Stellar Blade - Retrieving the Hypercell
Use the elevator inside the Memory Tower and head down to the Hall of Records. Continue approaching the set of screens in front of you until the Hyper Cell appear. Interact with it and exit the collapsing Hall of Records.

5. Defeat the Corrupter

Stellar Blade - Fighting the Corrupter
After obtaining the Hyper Cell, pressing forward will allow you to encounter a new Elite Naytiba called Corrupter.

This naytiba can deal huge physical damage through its charged attacks while also being capable of hitting you from a distance by spewing acid. Focus on observing its head movements to determine its next attack!

Corrupter Location and How to Beat

7. Climb Up the Collapsed Highway

Stellar Blade - Climbing Up the Collapsed Highway
Outside the shopping alley, you should be able to spot a ladder leading up another collapsed highway. Climb up here to get to the Construction Zone.

Construction Zone Walkthrough

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Memory Tower City Underground Sector
# Construction Zone Objectives
1 Unlock the Supply Camp
2 Power Up the Crane
3 Obtain the First Crane ID Card
4 Obtain the Second Crane ID Card
5 Obtain the Third Crane ID Card
6 Use the Crane to Make a Path to the Sewers

2. Power Up the Crane

Stellar Blade - High Voltage Generator Location
The first thing you need to do to use the crane is to find and switch on the high-voltage generator nearby. You can find this inside one of the buildings near the device used to operate the crane.

3. Obtain the First Crane ID Card

Stellar Blade - First Crane ID Location
After supplying power to the crane, you would now need three ID card to operate it. You can get the first Crane ID Card from a supply box on the top floor of the collapsed building located on the left side of the Construction Zone.

4. Obtain the Second Crane ID Card

Stellar Blade - Second Crane ID Location
Obtain the Second Crane ID Card from a supply box on top of the abandoned warehouse in the area. Beware, as there are numerous Naytibas lurking around this area.

5. Obtain the Third Crane ID Card

Stellar Blade - Third Crane ID Location
The last Crane ID Card can be acquired from a building floor accessible by a lift in the area.

6. Use the Crane to Make a Path to the Sewers

Stellar Blade - Operating the Construction Zone Crane
Upon obtaining all the ID cards, use the crane to make a path to the sewers. Position them low and close to each other so you can jump between them and reach the sewer entrance.

City Underground Sector Walkthrough

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Construction Zone Crater
# City Underground Sector Objectives
1 Navigate Through the Sewers
2 Obtain the First Floodgate Key
3 Open the First Floodgate
4 Obtain the Second Floodgate Key
5 Open the Second Floodgate
6 Exit the Sewers

1. Navigate Through the Sewers

Stellar Blade - Going Down the Sewers
Head down the lower levels of the sewer until you reach an area where you can jump down a collapsed pillar. From there, jump to the ledge on the right and climb up the marked path until you reach a new area that will take you down further.

2. Obtain the First Floodgate Key

Stellar Blade - Obtaining the First Floodgate Key
Keep heading down until you reach a place where you would need to operate two floodgates to proceed. Get the first floodgate key from a legionaire's corpse down the path on the left.

3. Open the First Floodgate

Stellar Blade - Opening the First Floodgate
After obtaining the floodgate key, activate the first floodgate by operating the control box. Drop down the newly submerged area to get to the second floodgate.

4. Obtain the Second Floodgate Key

Stellar Blade - Obtaining the Second Floodgate Key
You can get the second Floodgate Key from a Legionaire's corpse submerged in the area before reaching the second floodgate. If you're having trouble looking for the corpse, use the scan feature to highlight its location.

5. Open the Second Floodgate

Stellar Blade - Opening the Second Floodgate
With the second key in hand, open the second floodgate, located further into the submerged area. This will increase the water level and allow you to reach the path leading out of the sewers.

6. Exit the Sewers

Stellar Blade - Getting Out of the Sewer
Dive down again and swim to a newly accessible area. Just follow the path until you reach the Alpha Naytiba's lair.

Crater Walkthrough

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City Underground Sector -
# Crater Objectives
1 Unlock the Supply Camp Nearby
1 Defeat Gigas
2 Approach the 5th Squad Pod

1. Defeat Gigas

The final boss of this mission is an Alpha Naytiba called Gigas. This massive enemy is capable of dealing out continuous punches that can easily take you down if taken lightly. Be on the defensive and take your time to determine how you will counter each of its attacks.

Gigas Location and How to Beat

Scavenger Adam Boss Fights

How to Beat Abaddon

Abaddon Boss Fight Tips
Stellar Blade - Defeating the Abaddon

Master the Blink Skill Timing

Utilize the Blink Skill to dodge fatal attacks from the Abaddon. Press forward on your left analog (PS -  Left Stick) together with circle (PS - Circle Button) once you see Eve's sword glow blue.

Keep Your Distance Against Lightning Attacks

The Abaddon, although swift, has obvious visual cues when landing attacks. The ones you have to keep an eye on are the lightning attacks. When the boss starts lifting its weapons up and charging lightning, keep your distance to avoid the deadly attacks.

Use Explosive Barrels to Deal Damage

Stellar Blade - Luring Abaddon to the Explosive Barrels

Lure Abaddon to the red barrels around the area to deal significant explosive damage. Create some distance before the barrel explodes to avoid receiving damage.

How to Beat Abaddon

How to Beat Corrupter

Corrupter Boss Fight Tips
Stellar Blade - Corrupter
Check iconObserve the Corrupter's Head to Predict Its Next Attack

Check iconUse Pulse Grenades to Stun the Boss

Corrupter Location and How to Beat

How to Beat Gigas

Gigas Boss Fight Tips
Stellar Blade - Gigas
Check iconPrepare to Parry Consecutively Once the Boss Glows Red

Check iconBe on the Defensive When the Boss is Enraged

Gigas Location and How to Beat

Scavenger Adam Passcodes

Location Passcode
Silent Street Gate γθαγθα
Pharmacy Supply Box βθακθγ
Abandoned Station Door δβμκδβ
Gate 317 Passcode ααμθβθ
Clocktower Passcode 1225
Memory Tower Passcode λμακθκ

Silent Street Gate Passcode

Passcode Location

You can obtain the Silent Street Gate Passcode from one of the fallen legionaires near the area. The passcode is γθαγθα.

Pharmacy Supply Box Passcode

Passcode Location

You can obtain the passcode for the Supply Box found in Silent Street's Pharmacy from one of the fallen Legionaires before reaching the second camp. The passcode is βθακθγ.

Abandoned Station Door Passcode

Passcode Location

The passcode for the locked door in the Abandoned Station can be obtained from a submerged Legionaire's corpse just beside the locked door. The passcode is δβμκδβ.

Gate 317 Passcode

Passcode Location Stellar Blade - Gate 317 Passcode Location

The passcode to open Gate 317 can be obtained from a Legionaire corpse hidden behind a group of Naytiba statues. This area can be found just across Gate 317. The passcode is ααμθβθ.

Clocktower Passcode

Passcode Location

The Club BPEMЯ passcode can be determined by the time shown by the clocktower. The hands of the clock are stuck at 25 minutes past 12, so type in 1225.

Memory Tower Passcode

Passcode Location Stellar Blade - Memory Tower Passcode Location

You can find a passcode on a fallen legionaire sitting on top of the stairs to the left of the victory monument. This will allow you to obtain a Fusion Cell that will power up the elevator leading to the Hall of Records. The passcode is λμακθκ.

Scavenger Adam Important Items

Jump to an Important Item!
Omnibolts Modules Cores
Exospines Gear Exterior
Key Items


Location How to Get

Silent Street - Area on the Left After Crossing the Bridge
Obtain an Omnibolt by opening a golden lid supply box on Silent Street. This box can be located in the area left of the makeshift bridge. Be wary of the Hydra lurking nearby!

Silent Street - Breach Supply Box near the Pub
Acquire an Omnibolt by breaching the supply box located an area after the Parking Tower.

Construction Zone - Supply Box Below the Crane Terminal
An Omnibolt can be obtained from a supply box located at the area just below the crane operating terminal.

City Underground Sector - Near the First Floodgate Key Location
You can get an Omnibolt from a supply box located near the first Floodgate Key location.


Tumbler Expansion Module

Location How to Get

Silent Street - Area After the Locked Gate
You can get a Tumbler Expansion Module by killing the relic-collecting machine in an alleyway. To get there, thread the path to the right upon opening the locked gate.

Memory Tower - Collapsed Highway
A Tumbler Expansion Module can be obtained from the robot roaming at the edge of the collapsed highway, accessible after defeating the Corrupter.

Construction Zone - Abandoned Building
Another Tumbler Expansion Module can be acquired from the robot hiding in one of the abandoned buildings in the Construction Zone.

City Underground Sector - Blocked Path
The last Tumbler Expansion Module can be obtained from the robot hiding near the submerged path in the first area of the City Underground Sector.

Drone Upgrade Module

Location How to Get

Silent Street - Near the Pub After Passing Through the Parking Tower
A Drone Upgrade Module can be obtained by killing the gold relic-collecting robot in Silent Street. You can find it in an alley near the pub after the Parking Tower.

City Underground Sector - Near the Sewer Exit
Another Drone Upgrade Module can be acquired from the gold robot near the exit of the City Underground Sector.


Body Core

Location How to Get

Parking Tower - First Floor
The first Body Core can be found on a corpse behind the stairs on the first floor of the Parking Tower.

Silent Street - Pub
Another Body Core can be found on a corpse inside a small pub after descending from the Parking Tower.

Silent Street - Area After the Underpass
The third Body Core can be obtained from a corpse lying in an open area accessible through an underpass.

City Underground Sector - First Area
The last Body Core for this mission can be obtained from a corpse on the far edge of the City Underground Sector's first area.

Beta Core

Location How to Get
Stellar Blade - Scavenger Adam Beta Core
Silent Street - Alley
A Beta Core can be obtained from a corpse in an alleyway on Silent Street. This alleyway is located to the left of where you get ambushed by a group of Naytibas.

Flooded Commercial Sector - Plaza
You can get a Beta Core from just below the other end of the monorail station in the Flooded Commercial Sector.

Flooded Commercial Sector - Hidden Path Before the Memory Tower
Another Beta Core can be obtained in the Flooded Commercial Sector, in a hidden area before reaching the Memory Tower.

Memory Tower - Shopping Alley
A Beta Core can also be acquired in the shopping alley after the Corrupter fight.

City Underground Sector - Before Reaching the Floodgate Area
The last Beta Core for this mission can be obtained in the middle section of the City Underground Sector, just past the collapsed pillar.

Weapon Core

Location How to Get
Stellar Blade - Abaddon Drops
Parking Tower - Abaddon Drops
A Weapon Core can be acquired after defeating Abaddon. This is extremely important as it upgrades your weapon's damage output.

Memory Tower - Corrupter Drops
Another Weapon Core can be obtained as drops from the Corrupter boss fight.

Crater - Gigas Drops
A third Weapon Core can be acquired after defeating Gigas.


Chain-Type Exospine

Stellar Blade - Scavenger Adam Chain-Type Exospine
The Chain-Type Exospine can be obtained from a red briefcase in the second floor of the Parking Tower. You can access this locked area after defeating the Abaddon.

Grenadier-Type Exospine

Stellar Blade - Grenadier-Type Exospine Location

The Grenadier-Type Exospine can be obtained from a hidden area in the Flooded Commercial Sector.

To get there, follow the left path after getting out of the monorail station. You will be able to see marked ledges you can climb to reach a new area. You'll find the Exospine on your left once you get there.

Protection-Type Exospine

Stellar Blade - Protection-Type Exospine Location

The Protection-Type Exospine can be acquired on the floor just above the lift in the Construction Zone. You can climb up the stack of crates nearby to reach this area.


Combo Attack Enhancement Gear

Stellar Blade - Scavenger Adam Combo Attack Enhancement Gear

The Combo Attack Enhancement Gear can be obtained from the same golden lid supply box where you can obtain an Omnibolt.

Protection Gear

Gear Effects
Stellar Blade -  Protection Gear
Protection Gear
・Decreases Damage taken from enemies.

You can obtain the Protection Gear after defeating Abaddon on the top floor of the Parking Tower. This gear is particularly useful if you're struggling to survive enemy attacks.

Beta Charge Gear

Gear Effects
Stellar Blade -  Beta Charge Gear
Beta Charge Gear
・Recharges more Beta Energy.

The Beta Charger Gear can be acquired from the items dropped upon defeating Abaddon. This gear allows you to use skills more often.

Shield Destruction Gear

Gear Effects
Stellar Blade -  Shield Destruction Gear
Shield Destruction Gear
・Increases damage to shields.

The Shield Destruction Gear can be obtained after defeating the Corrupter in the Memory Tower. This gear will allow you to deal more damage to enemy shields.

Melee Protection Gear

Gear Effects
Stellar Blade -  Melee Protection Gear
Melee Protection Gear
・Decreases Melee Damage taken from enemies.

You can also get the Melee Protection Gear as drops from beating the Corrupter. This gear will let you receive less damage from enemy melee attacks.

Shield Enhancement Gear

Gear Effects
Stellar Blade -  Shield Enhancement Gear
Shield Enhancement Gear
・Increases Max Shield Capacity

The Shield Enhancement Gear can be acquired as loot from defeating Gigas in the last area of the mission. This gear will give additional value to your shield.

Crit Boost Gear

Gear Effects
Stellar Blade -  Crit Boost Gear
Crit Boost Gear
・Increases Crit. Rate.

The Crit Boost Gear can also be obtained after beating the Gigas. This will significantly boost the critical damage of your attacks.


Planet Diving Suit (7th) V2

Stellar Blade - Planet Diving Suit (7th) V2 Location
The Planet Diving Suit (7th) V2 can be obtained from a black box inside one of the rooms in the monorail station of the Flooded Commercial Sector.

Armored Pack

Stellar Blade - Armored Pack Location
A Drone Exterior known as the Armored Pack can be obtained in a hidden area in the Flooded Commercial Sector. You can get here by passing through the marked ledges before reaching the Memory Tower.

Key Items

Fusion Cell

Location How to Get

Silent Street - Car
The first Fusion Cell can be obtained from a car in Silent Street. Attack the car with a glowing hood to get access to the Fusion Cell.

Parking Tower First Floor - Red Supply Box
The first Parking Tower Fusion Cell can be obtained from a red supply box on the first floor of the Parking Tower.

Parking Tower First Floor - Car
The second Fusion Cell in the Parking Tower can be acquired from a car on the first floor of the Parking Tower. Similar to the previous Fusion Cell, look for and attack the car with a glowing hood.

Silent Street Area Near the Abandoned Station - Car
The Fusion Cell to open the Abandoned Station can be found in a car with a glowing hood near the Abandoned Station. Beware of the Dozer guarding the area!

Memory Tower - Underground
The Fusion Cell to power the Memory Tower can be found inside a locked gate near an underground area.

Hyper Cell

Stellar Blade - Retrieving the Hypercell

One of the Important Items for this mission is the Hyper Cell, which you can obtain from the Hall of Records.

Stellar Blade Related Guides

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Post Game Guides

Post Game Guides
Post Game New Game+ 100% Guide


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