Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

List of Side Quests

Breath of the Wild (BotW) List of Side Quest Walkthroughs

Here you can find a list of all our walkthroughs and guides for the Side Quests in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW).

List of BotW Side Quests

All Side Quests

Quest Giver Location
[Xenoblade Chronicles 2] - Hyrule
A Freezing Rod Kula Great Hyrule Forest
A Gift for My Beloved Manny Hateno Village
A Gift for the Great Fairy Toren Tabantha Bridge Stable
A Gift from the Monks Monk Ancient Shrine
A Gift of Nightshade Wabbin Faron
A Parent's Love Ruli Tarrey Town
A Rare Find Trott Outskirt Stable
A Royal Recipe Gotter Riverside Stable
A Shady Customer Hoz East Akkala Stable
A Wife Washed Away Fronk Zora's Domain
An Ice Guy Guy Kara Kara Bazaar
Arrows of Burning Heat Rola Kakariko Village
Balloon Flight Shamae Woodland Stable
By Firefly's Light Lasli Kakariko Village
Cooking with Koko Koko Kakariko Village
Curry for What Ails You Lester Rito Stable
Death Mountain's Secret Dugby Goron Hot Springs
Diving is Beauty! Gruve Zora's Domain
Face the Frost Talus Gesane Rito Village
Find Kheel Amali Rito Village
Fireproof Lizard Roundup Kima Southern Mine
Flown the Coop Cado Kakariko Village
Frog Catching Tumbo Zora's Domain
From the Ground Up Hudson Hateno Village
Good-Sized Horse Zyle Gerudo Canyon
Hobbies of the Rich Hagie Tarrey Town
Hunt for the Giant Horse Straia Mounted Archery Camp
Hylian Homeowner Bolson Hateno Village
Koko Cuisine Koko Kakariko Village
Koko's Kitchen Koko Kakariko Village
Koko's Specialty Koko Kakariko Village
Legendary Rabbit Trial Peeks Great Hyrule Forest
Leviathan Bones Akrah Serenne Stable
Little Sister's Big Request Jana South Akkala Stable
Luminous Stone Gathering Ledo Zora's Domain
Lynel Safari Laflat Zora's Domain
Medicinal Molduga Malena Gerudo Town
Misko, the Great Bandit Domidak Dueling Peaks Stable
Missing in Action Sesami Gerudo Canyon Stable
My Hero Aliza Outskirt Stable
Playtime with Cottla Cottla Kakariko Village
Riddles of Hyrule Walton Great Hyrule Forest
Riverbed Reward Izra Wetland Stable
Robbie's Research Purah Hateno Ancient Tech Lab
Rushroom Rush! Pirou Gerudo Canyon Stable
Slated for Upgrades Purah Hateno Ancient Tech Lab
Special Delivery Finley Bank of Wishes
Stalhorse: Pictured! Juannelle Snowfield Stable
Sunken Treasure Rozel Lurelin Village
Sunshroom Sensing Symin Hateno Ancient Tech Lab
Take Back the Sea Sebasto Lurelin Village
The Apple of My Eye Juney Rito Village
The Eighth Heroine Bozai Gerudo Desert
The Forgotten Sword Bozai Gerudo Desert
The Giant of Ralis Pond Torfeau Zora's Domain
The Hero's Cache Kass Kitano Bay
The Horseback Hoodlums Perosa Highland Stable
The Jewel Trade Ramella Goron City
The Korok Trials Chio Great Hyrule Forest
The Mystery Polluter Dalia Gerudo Town
The Priceless Maracas Hestu West Necluda
The Road to Respect Fugo Goron City
The Royal Guard's Gear Parcy Riverside Stable
The Royal White Stallion Toffa Outskirt Stable
The Search for Barta Liana Gerudo Town
The Secret Club's Secret Greta Gerudo Town
The Sheep Rustlers Koyin Hateno Village
The Spark of Romance Jogo Rito Village
The Statue's Bargain Horned Statue Hateno Village
The Thunder Helm Riju Gerudo Town
The Weapon Connoisseur Nebb Hateno Village
Thunder Magnet Cima Lakeside Stable
Tools of the Trade Isha Gerudo Town
What's for Dinner? Kiana Lurelin Village
Wild Horses Rensa Dueling Peaks Stable
Zora Stone Monuments Jiahto Zora's Domain

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6 Anonymous9 months

Bizarre complaints IMHO. Alphabetising the quests is a perfectly good way to find the one you need. Thank you for the uploads, they are super helpful.

3 Anonymousabout 3 years

This sucks because its not in order of the quest log. Fix it.


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