Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

How to Farm Giant Ancient Cores Quickly

Botw - Ancient Core Farming Banner
This is a guide to farming Giant Ancient Cores, a material in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW). Learn the fastest way to get Giant Ancient Cores, its buy and sell prices, as well as what you can do with this item.

Giant Ancient Core General Info

Giant Ancient Core 2 (Botw)

Giant Ancient Core
Giant Ancient Core Image
Item Type Spoils
A giant energy crystal made using lost ancient technology. Cores this large are an extremely rare find. A researcher would probably know how to use this.

Giant Ancient Core Buy Prices

Buy Price - / -

What To Do With Giant Ancient Cores

Sell for Rupees

Giant Ancient Core can be sold for 200 Rupees. However, we recommend looking into other uses instead.

Item Sell Price
Giant Ancient Core 200

Use It for Cooking

Giant Ancient Core can be used to whip up the following recipes and elixirs.

There are no entries for this item.

Use It for Armor Upgrades

Giant Ancient Core can be used to upgrade the following armor through Great Fairies.

Ancient Cuirass IconAncient Cuirass Ancient Greaves IconAncient Greaves Ancient Helm IconAncient Helm

Purchase Items from the Akalla Ancient Tech Lab

Ancient Shield Akalla
Giant Ancient Cores are also used to purchase the following items from the Akalla Ancient Tech Lab.

Breath of the Wild Ancient Bladesaw IconAncient Bladesaw
Breath of the Wild Ancient Bow IconAncient Bow
Breath of the Wild Ancient Shield IconAncient Shield

Where to Get Giant Ancient Cores

Giant Ancient Cores can be found in chests in the overworld or sometimes in Shrines.

You can also get them as rare drops from the following enemies:

Giant Ancient Core Locations and Sources

Monster Drop
Dropped By
Guardian Turret Guardian Skywatcher Guardian Stalker

Methods of Farming Giant Ancient Cores

Giant Ancient Core 3-min (Botw)
The fastest way to find Giant Ancient Cores is to seek out Guardian Stalkers and get them as drops. These are some of the strongest enemies in the game so you need to prepare a lot of food and wear strong armor if you're seeking them out.

Although you can find Guardian almost all over Hyrule, there are two places where you can find a lot of them: Hyrule Field and around Hyrule Castle. You can also find two roaming Torin Wetland west of Tarrey Town.

Here are some methods and tips to farm Giant Ancient Cores from Guardian Stalkers:

Deflect Guardian Stalker Attacks

Shield Broken (Medium)-min (Botw)
It is possible to defeat Guardian Stalkers early in the game by parrying their lasers back at them, though this takes some practice.

This method requires a shield. You can use any shield, even the Pot Lid, but it's best to use tougher ones made of metal so that the laser doesn't instantly destroy it just in case you miss the parry.

When you find a Stalker, they will aim at you with their lazer.
Guardian Stalkers (Botw)
Once you find a Stalker, they will start aiming at you with their laser. Hold your shield to block and take note of the ticking sound they make. Guardians fire their laser once they stop making their ticking sound.

Shield Reflecting Laser
As soon as you see the Guardian Stalker fire its laser, press the X button to deflect the attack with your shield. The timing for the deflection is important as the window of opportunity to deflect the attack is very tight. It takes two to three laser deflects to bring down a Guardian Stalker.

Fight Guardians Up Close

Fliped Gardian Stalker 2 (Botw)

You can also engage the Guardian Stalkers up close. This method requires you to have stronger weapons and at least one or more upgraded armor. You also need a good stock of food and healing elixirs.

It's possible to fight Guardian Stalkers early in the game, but you are limited to weaker weapons that may break in less than three hits.

Combat Tips

Guardian Stalkers will walk up to you at a very close distance, circling you as it charges its laser. It will also back up quickly if you run too close to them. They can only attack you with their laser beam and they'll often back off a short distance before they fire it at you.

Stasis Guardian
If you're having a tough time hitting the Guardian, you can use Stasis to freeze them in place. Once they're stunned, quickly run to one of its legs and hit it repeatedly with your weapon.
Immobile Guardian

Breaking their legs limits their movement, making them easier to chase after. This may also cause them to roll over, exposing a weakspot that you can attack. It's also possible to destroy all of their legs, rendering them completely immobile.

Fighting from a Distance

Triple Shot (Botw)

You can also engage Guardian Stalkers at range by targeting their eye. A successful hit always stuns the Guardian for a couple of seconds, allowing you to fire another arrow quickly.
Hitting a Guardian
This requires a bit of practice as the eye is a rather small target. For this method, it's best to use a bow that can fire multiple arrows in one shot to increase your chances of hitting the eye.

Fighting Guardians at range isn't the best method for farming Giant Ancient Cores in the early game. Once you have a stronger bow or more powerful arrows, it becomes a safer method to engage and farm Guardian Stalkers from a safe distance.

Giant Ancient Core Farming Tips

Use the Master Sword

Botw - Guardian Master Sword
The Master Sword does extra damage against Guardian-type enemies and, unlike other weapons, only needs to recharge instead of breaking. If powered up to its full potential through the Master Trials DLC, the Master Sword is the best weapon to use for farming Guardians!

Shields and Durability

The Guardian Stalker's laser attack can quickly whittle down the durability of lesser shields. Ancient Shields and the Hylian Shield can withstand their lasers for longer but will still eventually break.

Fortunately, shields don't take durability damage when you deflect their laser beam.

Giant Ancient Core Drop Rates

The drop rate on Giant Ancient Cores are quite low. Saving just before you're about to defeat a Guardian allows you to relead the game over and over again until it drops a Giant Ancient Core.

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11 Anonymousabout 2 years

nevermind, the spear doesn't require a giant core. I could have swore it did.

10 Anonymousabout 2 years

One other error I see is that you press the A buttone to parry, not the X button. That is unless you can or have changed your button assignments, but it is A by default.


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