Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

List of Weapons

Zelda BotW - List of Weapons

This is a weapons list for all melee weapons in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW). Find attack and effects of all one-handed weapons, swords, rods, two-handed weapons, and spears!

List of All BotW Weapons

All One-Handed Weapons and Rods

Breath of the Wild One-Handed Weapons
Versatile and strong, it is probably safe to say that the one-handed weapons are the most popular in the game.

No. Weapon Attack Power
- Goddess Sword 28
- Sword 22
- Sea-Breeze Boomerang 20
206 30
207 2
208 2
209 4
210 8
211 1
212 5
213 14
214 26
215 36
216 22
217 15
218 15
219 16
220 25
221 32
222 15
223 40
224 6
225 48
226 24
227 20
228 22
229 4
230 12
231 24
232 14
233 24
234 36
235 20
236 30
237 40
238 24
239 36
240 58
241 5
242 10
243 5
244 10
245 5
246 10
247 16
248 40
249 One-Hit Obliterator
250 5
251 12

The Hyrule Compendium numbering is based on the game with all the DLCs included.

List of All One-Handed Weapons and Stats

All Two-Handed Weapons

Breath of the Wild Two-Handed Weapons
Powerful but slow, these weapons will crush any enemies foolish enough to get close to you. Just be warned that you won't be able to shield yourself!

No. Weapon Attack Power
- Sword of the Six Sages 48
- Biggoron's Sword 50
- Fierce Deity Sword 60
252 1
253 16
254 14
255 3
256 18
257 12
258 25
259 10
260 20
261 38
262 52
263 22
264 15
265 42
266 60
267 28
268 32
269 50
270 55
271 12
272 72
273 34
274 30
275 32
276 6
277 18
278 36
279 9
280 27
281 45
282 30
283 45
284 60
285 36
286 54
287 78
288 40
289 15

The Hyrule Compendium numbering is based on the game with all the DLCs included.

List of All Two-Handed Weapons and Stats

All Spears

Breath of the Wild Spears
Not the strongest weapons in the game, but their reach and swift attacks more than make up for their lack of attack power!

No. Weapon Attack Power
290 5
291 7
292 8
293 6
294 3
295 7
296 13
297 26
298 11
299 9
300 12
301 14
302 22
303 14
304 10
305 16
306 12
307 30
308 5
309 32
310 24
311 20
312 22
313 2
314 6
315 12
316 4
317 9
318 15
319 7
320 12
321 18
322 10
323 15
324 20
325 14
326 20
327 30

The Hyrule Compendium numbering is based on the game with all the DLCs included.

List of All Spears and Stats

Zelda: BotW Related Guides

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BotW - QuestsQuests BotW - Tips and TricksTips and Tricks
BotW - DungeonsDungeons BotW - WeaponsWeapons
BotW - ShieldsShields BotW - Bow and ArrowBow and Arrow
BotW - ArmorArmor BotW - Items and MaterialsItems
BotW - EnemiesEnemies BotW - MapsMaps
BotW - CreaturesCreatures BotW - DLCDLC


4 Anonymousover 1 year

where can i find bows?

1 zbenyabout 4 years

I completid the game once and I never seemed to kill a lynol but this weapon list thing and where to find them really helped me.


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