Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

Sunshroom Sensing Walkthrough | How to Buy Pictures

Sunshroom Sensing walkthrough

This is a guide to the Side Quest, Sunshroom Sensing, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find the quest walkthrough, where to start Sunshroom Sensing, and all quest rewards.

How to Start Sunshroom Sensing

Symin location

Sunshroom Sensing Location

Quest Giver Symin
Location Hateno Ancient Tech Lab
Region Hateno

After upgrading to Sheikah Sensor+, talk to Symin inside the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab to start the quest.

Sunshroom Sensing Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Talk to Symin

Objectives Guide
Talk to Symin
After upgrading your Sheikah Sensor, talk to Symin and he will teach you how to use the Sheikah Sensor+.

Take a Picture of a Sunshroom

Take a picture of a Sunshroom
Go to the back of the lab to find a Sunshroom. Make sure that the red exclamation point appears before taking a shot.
3 Return to Symin Show the picture to Symin and he will ask you to gather 3 Sunshrooms by tracking them using the Sheikah Sensor+.

Gather Sunshrooms

Gather 3 Sunshrooms
Head north to Retsam Forest to find more Sunshrooms. Gather at least 3 of them for Symin's request.

Return to Symin

5 Talk to Symin Return to Symin with the Sunshrooms to receive 3 Hearty Truffles and complete the quest.

Sunshroom Sensing Quest Rewards

Sunshroom Sensing reward 1

Symin will reward you with 3 Hearty Truffles after giving him 3 Sunshrooms.

You can now also buy pictures for the Hyrule Compendium from Symin. Take note that the pictures added are chosen at random and will never be duplicates of what you already have.

How to Complete the Hyrule Compendium

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for Sunshroom Sensing.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start The Sheikah Sensor + can detect anything already registered in the Hyrule Compendium. To demonstrate the possibilities, Symin gave you some fieldwork.
Use the Camera to register a sunshroom behind the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab, and then report back to Symin.
1st Update Now that you've registered a sunshroom in the Hyrule Compendium, the Sheikah Sensor + can detect sunshrooms wherever you are.
Go north of Hateno Village to Retsam Forest, and find three wild sunshrooms there. When you have all three, turn them over to Symin.
Quest Clear You gave Symin the three sunshrooms he requested. Symin helped you see how valuable registering things to your Hyrule Compendium can be. If you have an item registered in your compendium, it's easy to find with the Sheikah Sensor +.

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