Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

Take Back the Sea Walkthrough

Take Back the Sea walkthrough

This is a guide to the Side Quest, Take Back the Sea, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find the quest walkthrough, where to start Take Back the Sea, and all quest rewards.

How to Start Take Back the Sea

Sebasto location

Take Back the Sea Location

Quest Giver Sebasto
Location Lurelin Village
Region Faron

Talk to Sebasto, a fisherman of Lurelin Village, to start the quest.

Take Back the Sea Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Talk to Sebasto

Objectives Guide
Talk to Sebasto
Go to Lurelin Village and find Sebasto by the shore. Talk to him and he will ask you to get rid of the monsters on Aris Beach.

Defeat the Monsters

2 Go to Aris Beach Aris Beach is located southwest of Lurelin Village. Go there and find the monsters.
Defeat the monsters
You will find a camp on the beach with several monsters which are mostly Bokoblins. Defeat all of them.

Remember to utilize Cryonis to create platforms and covers.
Chest after defeating the monsters
Optional: A chest will unlock after defeating all the monsters. Open it to obtain a Knight's Halberd.

Return to Sebasto

4 Talk to Sebasto Go back to Lurelin Village and tell Sebasto the good news. He will then give you a Silver Rupee for your help.

Take Back the Sea Quest Rewards

Take Back the Sea reward 1

A chest will unlock after defeating the monsters on Aris Beach. Open it to obtain a Knight's Halberd.

Take Back the Sea reward 2

Go back to Sebasto after the battle of Aris Beach to receive a Silver Rupee.

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for Take Back the Sea.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start Lurelin Village is a fishing village, but the residents have been distressed lately. The fisherman Sebasto in particular is in a bind because a group of monsters have built an encampment right on Aris Beach—the best fishing spot for miles around.

Defeat the monsters on the beach so the village can resume its regular fishing.
1st Update You defeated all the monsters occupying the encampment on Aris Beach!

Go tell Sebasto the good news.
Quest Clear The monsters that once occupied the encampment on Aris Beach have been dispatched, and the village's regular fishing operations have resumed.

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