Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

List of Materials

Breath of the Wild Materials and Ingredients

Here you can find all materials used for cooking or upgrading armor in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

List of Materials

All Compendium Materials

No. Item Location
170 BotW AppleApple ・Hyrule Field
・East Necluda
171 BotW Palm FruitPalm Fruit ・East Necluda
・Gerudo Desert
172 BotW WildberryWildberry ・Gerudo Highlands
・Hebra Mountains
173 BotW Hearty DurianHearty Durian ・West Necluda
・Faron Grasslands
174 BotW HydromelonHydromelon ・Gerudo Desert
・Faron Grasslands
175 BotW Spicy PepperSpicy Pepper ・Gerudo Desert
・Tabantha Frontier
176 BotW VoltfruitVoltfruit ・Gerudo Desert
・Gerudo Highlands
177 BotW Fleet-Lotus SeedsFleet-Lotus Seeds ・Lanayru Wetlands
・Lanayru Great Spring
178 BotW Mighty BananasMighty Bananas Faron
179 BotW Hylian ShroomHylian Shroom ・Hyrule Field
・West Necluda
180 BotW Endura ShroomEndura Shroom ・Hyrule Ridge
・Hyrule Field
181 BotW Stamella ShroomStamella Shroom ・Hyrule Ridge
・Hyrule Field
182 BotW Hearty TruffleHearty Truffle ・Great Hyrule Forest
・Hyrule Field
183 BotW Big Hearty TruffleBig Hearty Truffle ・Hebra Mountains
・Great Hyrule Forest
184 BotW ChillshroomChillshroom ・Hebra Mountains
・Mount Lanayru
185 BotW SunshroomSunshroom ・Eldin Canyon
・Gerudo Highlands
186 BotW ZapshroomZapshroom ・Deep Akkala
・Gerudo Highlands
187 BotW RushroomRushroom ・Gerudo Highlands
・Hyrule Ridge
188 BotW RazorshroomRazorshroom ・Great Hyrule Forest
・Tabantha Frontier
189 BotW IronshroomIronshroom ・West Necluda
・East Necluda
190 BotW Silent ShroomSilent Shroom ・Lanayru Great Spring
・West Necluda
191 BotW Hyrule HerbHyrule Herb ・Hyrule Field
・Akkala Highlands
192 BotW Hearty RadishHearty Radish ・Hyrule Ridge
・East Necluda
193 BotW Big Hearty RadishBig Hearty Radish ・Akkala Highlands
・Lanayru Great Spring
194 BotW Cool SafflinaCool Safflina ・Hebra Mountains
・Gerudo Highlands
195 BotW Warm SafflinaWarm Safflina ・Gerudo Desert
・Hyrule Ridge
196 BotW Electric SafflinaElectric Safflina ・Gerudo Desert
・Hyrule Ridge
197 BotW Swift CarrotSwift Carrot Kakariko Village
198 BotW Endura CarrotEndura Carrot ・Hyrule Ridge
・Faron Grasslands
199 BotW Fortified PumpkinFortified Pumpkin Kakariko Village
200 BotW Swift VioletSwift Violet ・Gerudo Highlands
・Hebra Mountains
201 BotW Mighty ThistleMighty Thistle ・West Necluda
・Faron Grasslands
202 BotW ArmoranthArmoranth ・Akkala Highlands
・Hyrule Ridge
203 BotW Blue NightshadeBlue Nightshade ・West Necluda
・Lanayru Great Spring
204 BotW Silent PrincessSilent Princess ・Hyrule Ridge
・West Necluda
205 BotW Courser Bee HoneyCourser Bee Honey ・Hyrule Field
・Tabantha Frontier

No. refers to the Hyrule Compendium number.

All Other Materials

Item Source
BotW AcornAcorn ・Creature Drop
BotW Bird EggBird Egg ・Creature Drop
BotW Cane SugarCane Sugar ・Item Shops
BotW Chickaloo Tree NutChickaloo Tree Nut ・Creature Drop
BotW FlintFlint ・Monster Drop
BotW Fresh MilkFresh Milk ・Item Shops
BotW Goat ButterGoat Butter ・Item Shops
BotW Goron SpiceGoron Spice ・Item Shops
BotW Hylian RiceHylian Rice ・Item Shops
・Cutting grass in Hyrule Field
BotW Monster ExtractMonster Extract ・Kilton's Monster Shop
BotW Raw Bird DrumstickRaw Bird Drumstick ・Creature Drop
BotW Raw Bird ThighRaw Bird Thigh ・Creature Drop
BotW Raw Gourmet MeatRaw Gourmet Meat ・Creature Drop
BotW Raw MeatRaw Meat ・Creature Drop
BotW Raw Prime MeatRaw Prime Meat ・Creature Drop
BotW Raw Whole BirdRaw Whole Bird ・Creature Drop
BotW Rock SaltRock Salt ・Item Shops
BotW Tabantha WheatTabantha Wheat ・Item Shops
・Cutting grass in the Tabantha regions
BotW WoodWood ・Cut down Trees

Zelda: BotW Related Guides

BotW - Items and Materials

List of All Items

All Items by Type

BotW Items
BotW - Bird EggMaterials BotW - Hyrule BassCreatures
BotW - DiamondOres (Treasure) BotW - Yellow Chuchu JellySpoils (Monster Parts)
Botw - Apple PieFood Chilly Elixir IconElixirs


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