Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

Missing in Action Walkthrough

Missing in Action walkthrough

This is a guide to the Side Quest, Missing in Action, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find the quest walkthrough, where to start Missing in Action, and all quest rewards.

How to Start Missing in Action

Sesami location

Missing in Action Location

Quest Giver Sesami
Location Gerudo Canyon Stable
Region Wasteland

Start the side quest by talking to Sesami at Gerudo Canyon Stable.

Missing in Action Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Talk to Sesami

Objectives Guide
Talk to Sesami
Find Sesami by the cooking pot at Gerudo Canyon Stable and talk to him. You will find out that his friends vanished at Koukot Plateau after they were attacked by monsters.

Find Sesami's Friends

Go to Koukot Plateau
Travel northeast to Koukot Plateau to find Sesami's missing friends.
Rescue Sesami's friends
The area is guarded by Bokoblins. Find Sesami's friends while taking out Bokoblins on your way and talk to each one of them when it's safe.

There are four of them being held captive.

Chest at the top
Optional: Behind Flaxel is a chest containing 5 Fire Arrows.

Return to Sesami

4 Talk to Sesami Return to the stable and talk to Sesami to receive a Gold Rupee.

Missing in Action Quest Rewards

Missing in Action reward 1

Return to Sesami after rescuing his friends and he will give you a Gold Rupee for your help.

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for Missing in Action.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start Sesami and his friends ran afoul of monsters near the roads at Koukot Plateau. Sesami ran for his life, but his friends vanished into thin air.

Sesami was traveling with 4 friends. Find them quickly and put him at ease.
1st Update You rescued Sesami's friends, who were surrounded by monsters and unable to move.

Hurry back to the Gerudo Canyon Stable and tell Sesami.
Quest Clear You saved all four of Sesami's friends, who had been pinned down by monsters and unable to move. And so, the curtain closes on the case of the Gerudo Canyon disappearances.

Zelda: BotW Related Guides

BotW - Quests

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Quests by Type

BotW Quest Types
Main Quests Side Quests
Shrine Quests DLC Quests

All BotW Quest Walkthroughs


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