Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

List of Creature Materials

Breath of the Wild Creature Ingredients

Here you can find a list of all creatures used for cooking, armor upgrades and elixirs in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

List of Creatures Materials

All BotW Creature Materials

When you cook using creatures, they actually belong to one of two categories: One for food and one for elixirs.

The creatures used for food are all the ones before Fairy, ending with the Bright-Eyed Crab, and the ones for elixirs are everything from Fairy and below.

No. Item Location
48 BotW Hyrule BassHyrule Bass ・Hyrule Field
・West Necluda
49 BotW Hearty BassHearty Bass ・West Necluda
・Akkala Highlands
50 BotW Staminoka BassStaminoka Bass ・Hyrule Field
・West Necluda
51 BotW Hearty SalmonHearty Salmon ・Tabantha Frontier
・Hebra Mountains
52 BotW Chillfin TroutChillfin Trout ・Tabantha Frontier
・Hebra Mountains
53 BotW Sizzlefin TroutSizzlefin Trout ・Eldin Canyon
・Eldin Mountains
54 BotW Voltfin TroutVoltfin Trout ・Tabantha Frontier
・Hyrule Ridge
55 BotW Stealthfin TroutStealthfin Trout ・Great Hyrule Forest
・Eldin Mountains
56 BotW Mighty CarpMighty Carp ・Akkala Highlands
・Lanayru Great Spring
57 BotW Armored CarpArmored Carp ・Lanayru Great Spring
・East Necluda
58 BotW Sanke CarpSanke Carp ・West Necluda
59 BotW Mighty PorgyMighty Porgy ・Necluda Sea
・Lanayru Sea
60 BotW Armored PorgyArmored Porgy ・Necluda Sea
・Lanayru Sea
61 BotW Sneaky River SnailSneaky River Snail ・West Necluda
・Lanayru Great Spring
62 BotW Hearty Blueshell SnailHearty Blueshell Snail ・Lanayru Sea
・Necluda Sea
63 BotW Razorclaw CrabRazorclaw Crab ・Necluda Sea
・East Necluda
64 BotW Ironshell CrabIronshell Crab ・Necluda Sea
・East Necluda
65 BotW Bright-Eyed CrabBright-Eyed Crab ・Lanayru Great Spring
・Eldin Canyon
66 BotW FairyFairy ・Greater Hyrule
67 BotW Winterwing ButterflyWinterwing Butterfly ・Hyrule Ridge
・Tabantha Frontier
68 BotW Summerwing ButterflySummerwing Butterfly ・Great Hyrule Forest
・Eldin Mountains
69 BotW Thunderwing ButterflyThunderwing Butterfly ・Hyrule Ridge
・Gerudo Highlands
70 BotW Smotherwing ButterflySmotherwing Butterfly ・Eldin Canyon
・Death Mountain
71 BotW Cold DarnerCold Darner ・Tabantha Frontier
・Hyrule Ridge
72 BotW Warm DarnerWarm Darner ・Akkala Highlands
・Hyrule Field
73 BotW Electric DarnerElectric Darner ・Hyrule Ridge
・Gerudo Desert
74 BotW Restless CricketRestless Cricket ・Hyrule Field
・East Necluda
75 BotW Bladed Rhino BeetleBladed Rhino Beetle ・West Necluda
・East Necluda
76 BotW Rugged Rhino BeetleRugged Rhino Beetle ・Hyrule Field
・Faron Grasslands
77 BotW Energetic Rhino BeetleEnergetic Rhino Beetle ・Akkala Highlands
・West Necluda
78 BotW Sunset FireflySunset Firefly ・West Necluda
・Great Hyrule Forest
79 BotW Hot-Footed FrogHot-Footed Frog ・Lanayru Great Spring
・Hyrule Ridge
80 BotW Tireless FrogTireless Frog ・Lanayru Great Spring
・Hyrule Ridge
81 BotW Hightail LizardHightail Lizard ・West Necluda
・East Necluda
82 BotW Hearty LizardHearty Lizard ・Gerudo Desert
・Necluda Sea
83 BotW Fireproof LizardFireproof Lizard ・Eldin Canyon
・Death Mountain

No. refers to the Hyrule Compendium number.

Zelda: BotW Related Guides

BotW - Items and Materials

List of All Items

All Items by Type

BotW Items
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BotW - DiamondOres (Treasure) BotW - Yellow Chuchu JellySpoils (Monster Parts)
Botw - Apple PieFood Chilly Elixir IconElixirs


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