Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

Seek Out Impa Walkthrough and Guide

The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild (BotW) Seek Out Impa

This is a guide to the Main Quest, Seek Out Impa in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find a quest walkthrough, where to start Seek Out Impa and all quest rewards.

How to Start Seek Out Impa

Seek Out Impa Location

Quest Giver King Rhoam
Location Great Plateau
Region Great Plateau

After completing the previous quest, The Isolated Plateau, the King will ask you to find Impa who will assist you on your quest to defeat Calamity Ganon.

Seek Out Impa Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Activate Dueling Peaks Tower

Objectives Guide
Descend to Hyrule Kingdom
Fast-travel to the Great Plateau Tower and pin the nearest tower's location on your map. Use your paraglider to descend to Hyrule Kingdom.
Traverse to Dueling Peaks Tower
Make your way to the tower. If you are on the other side of the tower, use Cyronis to help you get across since the water current is strong.
Activate the Tower
Climb up the tower and activate it. You will now have a map of West Necluda.

You will also unlock the Sheikah Sensor, which will help you track shrines you have not yet visited.

Reach Kakariko Village

Pass Through Dueling Peaks
Once activating the tower, you will get a clear overview of your path. Pass through Dueling Peaks to get to your destination.
Nearby: Ree Dahee Shrine

Visit Dueling Peaks Stable
Optional: After passing Big Twin Bridge, you can go to Dueling Peaks Stable to get a Hasty Elixir, as well as do the side quest Wild Horses and tame a horse along the way!
How to Tame Wild Horses
Nearby: Ha Dahamar Shrine
Travel North Until You Reach the Village
From the stable, continue up north until you reach Kakariko Bridge. Following the path will lead you to the village.

Talk to Hestu
Optional: Along the way, you will see a large Korok named Hestu. Talk to him to start the The Priceless Maracas side quest to be able to expand your inventory.

Talk to Impa

6 The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild (BotW) Reaching Impa
Go to Impa's House
Once reaching Kakariko Village, get to Impa's house found below Lantern Falls.
Nearby: Ta'loh Naeg Shrine, Great Fairy Cotera Fountain
7 The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild (BotW) Talk to Impa
Speak with Impa
Talk to Impa. She will retell the story of Calamity Ganon, and the fall of Hyrule. After talking to Impa, you can start freeing the Divine Beasts, or go to Hateno Village for the Locked Mementos quest.
Free the Divine Beasts Guide coming soon!
Locked Mementos

Seek Out Impa Quest Rewards

Seek Out Impa Quest Rewards
There are no rewards for completing this quest.

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for Seek Out Impa.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start You were tasked with going to Kakariko Village to speak with Impa, who will give you more details on your quest.

Descend from the Great Plateau and head east beyond the Dueling Peaks, then follow the road to the north. The blinking dot on your Sheikah Slate's map will guide the way.
Quest Clear Impa, the chief of Kakariko Village, relayed the tale of what happened 100 years ago, as well as the mission entrusted to you by Princess Zelda to free the four Divine Beasts.

But first, it seems that your Sheikah Slate is incomplete. Having it fixed at the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab in Hateno Village may provide more clues to your mission.

Zelda: BotW Related Guides

BotW - Quests

Return to List of Main Quests

Main Quest Guides

All Main Quest Walkthroughs
Follow the Sheikah Slate
The Isolated Plateau
Seek Out Impa
The Hero's Sword
Locked Mementos
Find the Fairy Fountain
Free the Divine Beasts
Divine Beast Vah Medoh
Divine Beast Vah Rudania
Reach Zora's Domain
Divine Beast Vah Ruta
Forbidden City Entry
Divine Beast Vah Naboris
Captured Memories
Destroy Ganon

Quests by Type

BotW Quest Types
Main Quests Side Quests
Shrine Quests DLC Quests

All BotW Quest Walkthroughs


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