Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

Sheikah Tower Locations on the Map and Recommended Order

BotW - Tower Map and All Tower Locations
This is a maps page for all towers found in the The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW). Read on to see the tower map and all tower locations in Hyrule.

Sheikah Tower Map

There are a total of 15 Sheikah towers found in Hyrule and these are marked as a light blue triangle in this map.

Sheikah Towers Recommended Order

Recommended Order

Main Quest Sheikah Tower
1. Prologue Great Plateau Tower
2. The Isolated Plateau
3. Seek Out Impa Dueling Peaks Tower
4. Locked Mementos Hateno Tower
5. Find the Fairy Fountain -
6. Captured Memories -
7. Free the Divine Beasts -
8. Reach Zora's Domain Lanayru Tower
9. Divine Beast Vah Ruta
10. Divine Beast Vah Medoh Tabantha Tower
Hebra Tower
11. Divine Beast Vah Rudania Eldin Tower
12. Forbidden City Entry Wasteland Tower
Gerudo Tower
13. Find the Yiga Clan's Hideout
14. Divine Beast Vah Naboris
15. The Hero's Sword Woodland Tower
16. Destroy Ganon Central Tower
Ridgeland Tower

It is recommended to unlock towers in parallel to finishing the main quests.

After the main quest, Divine Beast Vah Medoh, Link can now create updrafts using Revali's Gale to traverse high places which makes climbing and unlocking towers less difficult.

Lake Tower, Akkala Tower, and Faron Tower are not involved in any main quests, so it is recommended to take a detour after successfully freeing the Divine Beast Vah Medoh.

Sheikah Tower Difficulty

Sheikah Tower Difficulty
Great Plateau Tower ★☆☆☆☆
Dueling Peaks Tower ★☆☆☆☆
Hateno Tower ★★☆☆☆
Central Tower ★★★★★
Ridgeland Tower ★★★★★
Tabantha Tower ★★★☆☆
Hebra Tower ★★☆☆☆
Wasteland Tower ★★☆☆☆
Gerudo Tower ★★☆☆☆
Lanayru Tower ★★☆☆☆
Eldin Tower ★★★☆☆
Woodland Tower ★★★★☆
Akkala Tower ★★★★☆
Lake Tower ★★☆☆☆
Faron Tower ★★★☆☆

Sheikah Tower Locations

Akkala Tower Region

Akkala Tower Region

Central Tower Region

Central Tower

Dueling Peaks Tower Region

Dueling Peaks Tower Region

Eldin Tower Region

Eldin Tower Region

Faron Tower Region

Faron Tower Region

Gerudo Tower Region

Gerudo Tower Region

Great Plateau Tower Region

Great Plateau Tower Region

Hateno Tower Region

Hateno Tower Region

Hebra Tower Region

Hebra Tower Region

Lake Tower Region

Lake Tower Region

Lanayru Tower Region

Lanayru Tower Region

Ridgeland Tower Region

Ridgeland Tower Region

Tabantha Tower Region

Tabantha Tower Region

Wasteland Tower Region

Wasteland Tower Region

Woodland Tower Region

Woodland Tower Region

What are Sheikah Towers Used For?

Unlock a Portion of the Map

BotW - Uncovering Lake Tower Region
Climbing up a tower and activating it uncovers the region on your map. A total of 15 towers are needed to activate to complete the map in your Sheikah Slate.

Survey the Area

BotW - Using the Sheikah Slate as a Scope
You can use the towers to survey the surrounding area and mark points of interest, such as nearby towers.

Press the Right thumbstick to use the Sheikah Slate as a Scope and press the A button to place a pin to the targeted location.

Warp Point

BotW - Teleporting to Great Plateau Tower
Much like shrines, towers are also used as warp points to teleport from one place to another.

Zelda: BotW Related Guides

BotW - Maps

Maps and Locations

Points of Interest

All Maps and Locations
Shrines Stables
Great Fairy Fountains Korok Seeds

Tower Regions

All Tower Regions
Tower Map and All Tower Locations
Dueling Peaks
Great Plateau


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