Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

Arrows of Burning Heat Walkthrough

Arrows of Burning Heat walkthrough

This is a guide to the Side Quest, Arrows of Burning Heat, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find the quest walkthrough, where to start Arrows of Burning Heat and all quest rewards.

How to Start Arrows of Burning Heat

Rola location

Arrows of Burning Heat Location

Quest Giver Rola
Location Kakariko Village
Region Dueling Peaks

Go inside the arrow shop in Kakariko Village and speak with Rola to start the quest.

Arrows of Burning Heat Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Light the Goddess Statue Torches

Objectives Guide
Talk to Rola
Talk to Rola inside the arrow shop in Kakariko Village and she will give you a challenge involving the Goddess Statue in front of Lady Impa's house.
Light the torches
Be sure to do this when it is not raining. Light regular arrows using the fire nearby and use them to shoot the torches behind the Goddess Statue.

Return to Rola

3 Talk to Rola Go back to the arrow shop and talk to Rola to receive your Red Rupee.

Arrows of Burning Heat Quest Rewards

Arrows of Burning Heat reward 1

You will receive a Red Rupee from Rola for completing the challenge.

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for Arrows of Burning Heat.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start When Rola, owner of the general store, judged you as a capable archer, she wasted no time recruiting you for a seemingly simple job.

All she asked was that you "light the torches by the Goddess Statue" in the village, but her suspiciously sweet smile made it clear that this task would require unconventional methods.
1st Update "Light the torches by the Goddess Statue."

You did as Rola asked and lit the torches. Go to her general store and tell her that what she requested is done.
Quest Clear In lighting the torches, you seem to have also ignited Rola's passion. The day that she can reunite with her husband may not be so far off.

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