Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

List of Monster Spoils (Monster Parts)

Breath of the Wild Materials and Ingredients

Here you can find a list of all monster drop items used for elixirs and armor upgrades in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW).

List of Enemy Spoils

All Monster Drops

Item Source
BotW Ancient CoreAncient Core Guardian Scout IV
Guardian Turret
Guardian Skywatcher
Guardian Stalker
BotW Ancient GearAncient Gear Guardian Scout IV
Decayed Guardian
Guardian Turret
Guardian Skywatcher
Guardian Stalker
BotW Ancient ScrewAncient Screw Guardian Scout IV
Guardian Scout III
Guardian Scout II
Guardian Scout I
Decayed Guardian
Guardian Turret
Guardian Skywatcher
Guardian Stalker
BotW Ancient ShaftAncient Shaft Guardian Scout IV
Decayed Guardian
Guardian Turret
Guardian Skywatcher
Guardian Stalker
BotW Ancient SpringAncient Spring Guardian Scout IV
Guardian Scout III
Guardian Scout II
Guardian Scout I
Decayed Guardian
Guardian Turret
Guardian Skywatcher
Guardian Stalker
BotW Bokoblin FangBokoblin Fang Golden Bokoblin
Silver Bokoblin
Black Bokoblin
Blue Bokoblin
BotW Bokoblin GutsBokoblin Guts Golden Bokoblin
Silver Bokoblin
Black Bokoblin
Blue Bokoblin
BotW Bokoblin HornBokoblin Horn Golden Bokoblin
Silver Bokoblin
Black Bokoblin
Blue Bokoblin
BotW Chuchu JellyChuchu Jelly Chuchu
BotW DinraalDinraal's Claw Dinraal
BotW DinraalDinraal's Scale Dinraal
BotW Electric Keese WingElectric Keese Wing Electric Keese
BotW FaroshFarosh's Claw Farosh
BotW FaroshFarosh's Scale Farosh
BotW Fire Keese WingFire Keese Wing Fire Keese
BotW Giant Ancient CoreGiant Ancient Core Guardian Turret
Guardian Skywatcher
Guardian Stalker
BotW Hinox GutsHinox Guts Black Hinox
Blue Hinox
BotW Hinox ToenailHinox Toenail Black Hinox
Blue Hinox
BotW Hinox ToothHinox Tooth Stalnox
Black Hinox
Blue Hinox
BotW Ice Keese WingIce Keese Wing Ice Keese
BotW Icy Lizalfos TailIcy Lizalfos Tail Ice-Breath Lizalfos
BotW Keese EyeballKeese Eyeball Electric Keese
Ice Keese
Fire Keese
BotW Keese WingKeese Wing Keese
BotW Lizalfos HornLizalfos Horn Golden Lizalfos
Silver Lizalfos
Electric Lizalfos
Ice-Breath Lizalfos
Fire-Breath Lizalfos
Black Lizalfos
Blue Lizalfos
BotW Lizalfos TailLizalfos Tail Golden Lizalfos
Silver Lizalfos
Black Lizalfos
Blue Lizalfos
BotW Lizalfos TalonLizalfos Talon Golden Lizalfos
Silver Lizalfos
Electric Lizalfos
Ice-Breath Lizalfos
Fire-Breath Lizalfos
Black Lizalfos
Blue Lizalfos
BotW Lynel GutsLynel Guts Golden Lynel
Silver Lynel
White-Maned Lynel
Blue-Maned Lynel
BotW Lynel HoofLynel Hoof Golden Lynel
Silver Lynel
White-Maned Lynel
Blue-Maned Lynel
BotW Lynel HornLynel Horn Golden Lynel
Silver Lynel
White-Maned Lynel
Blue-Maned Lynel
BotW Moblin FangMoblin Fang Golden Moblin
Silver Moblin
Black Moblin
Blue Moblin
BotW Moblin GutsMoblin Guts Golden Moblin
Silver Moblin
Black Moblin
Blue Moblin
BotW Moblin HornMoblin Horn Golden Moblin
Silver Moblin
Black Moblin
Blue Moblin
BotW Molduga FinMolduga Fin Molduga
BotW Molduga GutsMolduga Guts Molduga
BotW NaydraNaydra's Claw Naydra
BotW NaydraNaydra's Scale Naydra
BotW Octo BalloonOcto Balloon Treasure Octorok
Snow Octorok
Rock Octorok
Forest Octorok
Water Octorok
BotW Octorok EyeballOctorok Eyeball Treasure Octorok
Snow Octorok
Rock Octorok
Forest Octorok
Water Octorok
BotW Octorok TentacleOctorok Tentacle Treasure Octorok
Snow Octorok
Rock Octorok
Forest Octorok
Water Octorok
BotW Red Chuchu JellyRed Chuchu Jelly Fire Chuchu
BotW Red Lizalfos TailRed Lizalfos Tail Fire-Breath Lizalfos
BotW Shard of DinraalShard of Dinraal's Fang Dinraal
BotW Shard of DinraalShard of Dinraal's Horn Dinraal
BotW Shard of FaroshShard of Farosh's Fang Farosh
BotW Shard of FaroshShard of Farosh's Horn Farosh
BotW Shard of NaydraShard of Naydra's Fang Naydra
BotW Shard of NaydraShard of Naydra's Horn Naydra
BotW White Chuchu JellyWhite Chuchu Jelly Ice Chuchu
BotW Yellow Chuchu JellyYellow Chuchu Jelly Electric Chuchu
BotW Yellow Lizalfos TailYellow Lizalfos Tail Electric Lizalfos

All Animal Drops

Item Source
BotW AcornAcorn ・Creature Drop
BotW Bird EggBird Egg ・Creature Drop
BotW Chickaloo Tree NutChickaloo Tree Nut ・Creature Drop
BotW Raw Bird DrumstickRaw Bird Drumstick ・Creature Drop
BotW Raw Bird ThighRaw Bird Thigh ・Creature Drop
BotW Raw Gourmet MeatRaw Gourmet Meat ・Creature Drop
BotW Raw MeatRaw Meat ・Creature Drop
BotW Raw Prime MeatRaw Prime Meat ・Creature Drop
BotW Raw Whole BirdRaw Whole Bird ・Creature Drop

Zelda: BotW Related Guides

BotW - Items and Materials

List of All Items

All Items by Type

BotW Items
BotW - Bird EggMaterials BotW - Hyrule BassCreatures
BotW - DiamondOres (Treasure) BotW - Yellow Chuchu JellySpoils (Monster Parts)
Botw - Apple PieFood Chilly Elixir IconElixirs


2 Anonymousover 1 year

You can get the gears and shafts from them as well

1 Anonymousover 1 year

you can get the small ancient cores from guardian scout III's as well. I have seen one drop from one in a 'modest test of strength' shrine.


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