Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

The Best Recipes You Need to Cook

BOTW Mighty Steamed Fruit

The best recipes to cook in the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild are those that give potent buffs, health recovery, and stamina recovery. Read on to learn about the best recipes to cook, their ingredients, as well as how to get them.

Best Recipes For Each Buff

All Best Recipes For Each Buff

All recipes listed below have the most potent buff that lasts for 30 minutes. The ingredients used are quite easy to get as well!

Recipe Buff / Ingredients
Legend of Zelda BOTW Steamed Fruit
Mighty Steamed Fruit
Attack Boost
4x Mighty Bananas
1x Shard of Farosh's Horn
Legend of Zelda BOTW Tough Steamed Mushrooms
Tough Steamed Mushrooms
Defense Boost
4x Ironshrooms
1x Shard of Farosh's Horn
Legend of Zelda BOTW Sneaky Fried Wild Greens
Sneaky Fried Wild Greens
Stealth Boost
2x Silent Princess
2x Silent Shrooms
1x Shard of Farosh's Horn
Legend of Zelda BOTW Hasty Fruit and Mushroom Mix
Hasty Fruit and Mushroom Mix
Speed Boost
3x Fleet-Lotus Seeds
1x Swift Carrot
1x Shard of Farosh's Horn
Legend of Zelda BOTW Enduring Fried Wild Greens
Enduring Fried Wild Greens
Stamina Recovery
1x Endura Carrot
Legend of Zelda BOTW Hearty Simmered Fruit
Hearty Simmered Fruit
HP Recovery
1x Hearty Durian
Legend of Zelda BOTW Spicy Mushroom Skewer
Spicy Mushroom Skewer
Cold Resistance
3x Sunshrooms
1x Shard of Farosh's Horn
Legend of Zelda BOTW Chilly Mushroom Skewer
Chilly Mushroom Skewer
Heat Resistance
3x Chillshrooms
1x Shard of Farosh's Horn
Legend of Zelda BOTW Electro Mushroom Skewer
Electro Mushroom Skewer
Shock Resistance
3x Zapshrooms
1x Shard of Farosh's Horn
Fireproof Elixir Flame Guard
3x Smotherwing Butterfly
1x Fireproof Lizard
1x Bokoblin Gut

How to Get Ingredients For Best Recipes

Mighty Steamed Fruit

Ingredient Locations
Legend of Zelda BOTW Mighty Bananas Mighty Bananas Faron Region
・Yiga Hideout in the Gerudo Desert
Legend of Zelda BOTW Shard of Farosh Shard of Farosh's Horn ・You can farm shards of Farosh's horns at Riola Spring in the Faron Region. When you get to the spring, sleep until morning and wait for Farosh to spawn. Aim for its horn with a bow and arrow to get a shard.

Tough Steamed Mushrooms

Ingredient Locations
Legend of Zelda BOTW Ironshroom Ironshroom ・At Baltrea Lake, northwest of the Dueling Peaks Tower.
Legend of Zelda BOTW Shard of Farosh Shard of Farosh's Horn ・You can farm shards of Farosh's horns at Riola Spring in the Faron Region. When you get to the spring, sleep until morning and wait for Farosh to spawn. Aim for its horn with a bow and arrow to get a shard.

Sneaky Fried Wild Greens

Ingredient Locations
Legend of Zelda BOTW Silent Princess Silent Princess Great Fairy Fountains
Satori Mountain, southwest of RIdgeland Tower
Legend of Zelda BOTW Silent Shroom Silent Shroom ・At the mountains surrounding Zora's Domain.
・Plenty of Silent Shrooms can also be found on the pathway surrounding Zora River. This path is filled with Lizalfos, so be sure you're well-equipped.
Legend of Zelda BOTW Shard of Farosh Shard of Farosh's Horn ・You can farm shards of Farosh's horns at Riola Spring in the Faron Region. When you get to the spring, sleep until morning and wait for Farosh to spawn. Aim for its horn with a bow and arrow to get a shard.

Hasty Fruit and Mushroom Mix

Ingredient Locations
Legend of Zelda BOTW Fleet-Lotus Seeds Fleet-Lotus Seeds Lanayru Wetlands, west of Lanayru Tower
Zora's Domain
Legend of Zelda BOTW Swift Carrot Swift Carrot ・Buy from Items Shop in Kakariko Village.
Legend of Zelda BOTW Shard of Farosh Shard of Farosh's Horn ・You can farm shards of Farosh's horns at Riola Spring in the Faron Region. When you get to the spring, sleep until morning and wait for Farosh to spawn. Aim for its horn with a bow and arrow to get a shard.

Enduring Fried Wild Greens

Ingredient Locations
Legend of Zelda BOTW Endura Carrot Endura Carrot Satori Mountain, southwest of RIdgeland Tower.
Great Fairy Fountains

Hearty Simmered Fruit

Ingredient Locations
Legend of Zelda BOTW Hearty Durian Hearty Durian Faron Region

Spicy Mushroom Skewer

Ingredient Locations
Legend of Zelda BOTW Sunshroom Sunshroom ・Near the hot springs at Eldin Canyon in the Eldin Tower Region.
Legend of Zelda BOTW Shard of Farosh Shard of Farosh's Horn ・You can farm shards of Farosh's horns at Riola Spring in the Faron Region. When you get to the spring, sleep until morning and wait for Farosh to spawn. Aim for its horn with a bow and arrow to get a shard.

Chilly Mushroom Skewer

Ingredient Locations
Legend of Zelda BOTW Chillshroom Chillshroom Naydra Snowfield, west of the Spring of Wisdom.
Legend of Zelda BOTW Shard of Farosh Shard of Farosh's Horn ・You can farm shards of Farosh's horns at Riola Spring in the Faron Region. When you get to the spring, sleep until morning and wait for Farosh to spawn. Aim for its horn with a bow and arrow to get a shard.

Electro Mushroom Skewer

Ingredient Locations
Legend of Zelda BOTW Zapshroom Zapshroom Deep Akkala in the Akkala Tower Region.
Legend of Zelda BOTW Shard of Farosh Shard of Farosh's Horn ・You can farm shards of Farosh's horns at Riola Spring in the Faron Region. When you get to the spring, sleep until morning and wait for Farosh to spawn. Aim for its horn with a bow and arrow to get a shard.

Fireproof Elixir

Ingredient Locations
Legend of Zelda BOTW Smotherwing Butterfly Smotherwing Butterfly Eldin Region
Legend of Zelda BOTW Fireproof Lizard Fireproof Lizard Eldin Region
Legend of Zelda BOTW Bokoblin Guts Bokoblin Guts ・You can farm Bokoblin Guts from Blue Bokoblins, Black Bokoblins, Silver Bokoblins, and Golden Bokoblins that are roaming all over Hyrule.

Zelda: BotW Related Guides

BotW - Tips and Tricks

Beginner's Guide and Early Game Tips

Combat Guides
How to Parry How to Perfect Dodge
Weapons and Armor Guides
Weapon Repair Guide Where to Get Fireproof Armor
Cooking and Elixirs
How to Cook Food How to Make Elixirs
Travel Related Tips
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The Best Recipes How to Get the Paraglider
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Ancient Arrow Farming Arrow Farming
Dragon Parts Farming Blood Moon Trigger Guide
Equipment Guides
How to Get the Master Sword How to Get the Hylian Shield
How to Use Amiibos
100% Clear Guides
Master Mode Guide Hyrule Compendium Completion Guide
Post-Game Completion Guide


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