Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

A Shady Customer Walkthrough | Kilton Locations

A Shady Customer walkthrough

This is a guide to the Side Quest, A Shady Customer, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find the quest walkthrough, where to start A Shady Customer and all quest rewards.

How to Start A Shady Customer

Hoz location

A Shady Customer Location

Quest Giver Hoz
Location East Akkala Stable
Region Akkala

Start the quest by speaking with Hoz, a guard patrolling at East Akkala Stable.

A Shady Customer Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Talk to Hoz

Objectives Guide
Talk to Hoz
Talk to Hoz at East Akkala Stable and he will ask you to take a picture of a suspicious character named Kilton.

Take a Picture of Kilton

Find Kilton
Northwest of the stable is the Skull Lake. Go there at night and you can find Kilton on the "left eye".
Take a picture of Kilton
Use your Camera Rune to take a picture of Kilton. Be sure to have the red exclamation point before taking a shot for the photo to count.

Note: If you already talked to Kilton before this side quest, you can find him in these areas at night:

Tarrey Town
Zora's Domain
Kakariko Village
Hateno Village
Lurelin Village
Gerudo Town
Rito Village

Show the Picture to Hoz

4 Talk to Hoz Return to the stable and show the picture to Hoz, who will then reward you with a Silver Rupee.

A Shady Customer Quest Rewards

A Shady Customer reward 1

You will receive a Silver Rupee from Hoz as a reward for showing him a picture of Kilton.

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for A Shady Customer.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start A mercenary named Hoz at East Akkala Stable asked you to investigate a suspicious character.

Whoever it is apparently runs a business that he calls Fangs and Bone.

If you find someone fitting that description, get an image of him to show Hoz.
Quest Clear You showed Hoz a picture of Kilton.
Hoz seems to have a better understanding of Kilton's strange countenance.

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1 Anonymousabout 2 years

He's on the right eye, not the left :)


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