Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

The Royal White Stallion Walkthrough

The Royal White Stallion walkthrough

This is a guide to the Side Quest, The Royal White Stallion, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find the quest walkthrough, where to start The Royal White Stallion, and all quest rewards.

How to Start The Royal White Stallion

Toffa location

The Royal White Stallion Location

Quest Giver Toffa
Location Outskirt Stable
Region Central

To start the side quest, speak with Toffa at the Outskirt Stable in the Central Hyrule Region.

The Royal White Stallion Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Find the White Horse's Location

Objectives Guide
Talk to Toffa
Talk to Toffa at the Outskirt Stable and he will tell you about the white horse's location.
Go to Safula Hill
Follow the road north until you reach Safula Hill.

Catch the White Horse

3 Find the white horse Look around the hill until you find the lone white horse.
4 Catch the white horse You'll need a significant amount of stamina before you can ride the white horse. We recommend having at least 2 stamina wheels or drinking Enduring Elixirs.

How to Tame Wild Horses

Show the White Horse to Toffa

5 Return to the Outskirt Stable Return to the Outskirt Stable and register the white horse.
Show the white horse to Toffa
Ride the white horse to Toffa and talk to him to receive the Royal Saddle and Royal Bridle and complete the side quest.

The Royal White Stallion Quest Rewards

The Royal White Stallion reward 1

In addition to keeping the white horse, you will also receive the Royal Saddle and Royal Bridle from Toffa!

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for The Royal White Stallion.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start Toffa at the Outskirt Stable asked you to find the royal family's white horse.

Someone else noticed a white horse on Safula Hill that had a beautiful, spotless white coat and stood apart from the rest of the herd.
Quest Clear You showed the white horse to Toffa at Outskirt Stable. As thanks, he presented you with a royal saddle and bridle.

According to Toffa's grandfather, the sight of Princess Zelda at the reins of her white horse was more beautiful than anything else he could imagine in the world.

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