Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

The Apple of My Eye Walkthrough

The Apple of My Eye walkthrough

This is a guide to the Side Quest, The Apple of My Eye, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find the quest walkthrough, where to start The Apple of My Eye, and all quest rewards.

How to Start The Apple of My Eye

Juney location

The Apple of My Eye Location

Quest Giver Juney
Location Rito Village
Region Tabantha

Talk to Juney at the top of Rito Village to start the quest.

The Apple of My Eye Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Talk to Juney

Objectives Guide
Talk to Juney
Find Juney sitting on a walkway at the top of Rito Village and talk to her.

She needs a Baked Apple to lighten up her mood.

Give Juney a Baked Apple

Make a Baked Apple
Make a Baked Apple by simply roasting an Apple.

Drop an Apple near a fire, hit it with a flaming weapon, or drop it on Mount Eldin until it turns to a Baked Apple.
3 Talk to Juney Give Juney the Baked Apple and she will give you a Silver Rupee in return.

The Apple of My Eye Quest Rewards

The Apple of My Eye reward 1

Juney will thank you with a Silver Rupee after you satisfy her Baked Apple cravings.

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for The Apple of My Eye.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start Juney, currently in Rito Village on her honeymoon, is about to blow her stack if she can't find what she's looking for.

Distracting her from her troubles with a baked apple, her favorite snack, is one way to lighten the mood.

Bring Juney a baked apple and save her marriage!
Quest Clear You gave Juney, currently honeymooning in Rito Village, a baked apple. She was so grateful that she paid you a few rupees for the service.

Juney told you that she'll never turn down a baked apple. If you gather any more, bring them directly to her!

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