Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

A Rare Find Walkthrough

A Rare Find walkthrough

This is a guide to the Side Quest, A Rare Find, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find the quest walkthrough, where to start A Rare Find and all quest rewards.

How to Start A Rare Find

Trott location

A Rare Find Location

Quest Giver Trott
Location Outskirt Stable
Region Central

Speak with Trott at the Outskirt Stable to start the side quest.

A Rare Find Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Obtain a Raw Gourmet Meat

Objectives Guide
Talk to Trott
Go to the Outskirt Stable and talk to Trott who wants to get his hands on some Raw Gourmet Meat.
Obtain a Raw Gourmet Meat
Travel to the Hebra Region and hunt creatures in the area until you obtain a Raw Gourmet Meat.

Return to Trott

3 Give the meat to Trott Give the Raw Gourmet Meat to Trott and he will pay you a Silver Rupee for it.

A Rare Find Quest Rewards

A Rare Find reward 1

Trott will give you a Silver Rupee if you bring him a Raw Gourmet Meat.

After completing the side quest, he will pay you a Silver Rupee for each Raw Gourmet Meat you give to him (3 pieces maximum per day).

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for A Rare Find.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start Trott, a stable hand on the edge of the plain, is in the doldrums. The only thing that could lift his sprits is some raw gourmet meat.
Quest Clear Trott, a stable hand at the Outskirt Stable, found color returning to his cheeks for the first time in a while after a meaty dinner.

From now on, he'll pay you 100 rupees out of his own pocket each time you bring him some raw gourmet meat.

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