Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

My Hero Walkthrough

My Hero walkthrough

This is a guide to the Side Quest, My Hero, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find the quest walkthrough, where to start My Hero, and all quest rewards.

How to Start My Hero

Aliza location

My Hero Location

Quest Giver Aliza
Location Outskirt Stable
Region Central

Start the quest by talking to Aliza under a sacred tree near the Outskirt Stable.

My Hero Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Talk to Aliza After Obtaining the Master Sword

Objectives Guide
Talk to Aliza
The main objective of this side quest is very simple. You just have to approach Aliza after pulling the Master Sword in Korok Forest.

After seeing the Master Sword, she will give you a Star Fragment.

How to Get the Master Sword

My Hero Quest Rewards

My Hero reward 1

Aliza will give you a Star Fragment after showing her the Master Sword and being acknowledged as the hero.

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for My Hero.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start Aliza waits for the hero's return around a stable at the edge of the plain. She says that she'll know him by the sword of legend he carries.
Quest Clear Aliza was waiting for the hero's return around a stable at the plain's edge. When you showed her the Master Sword, she acknowledged you as the one she had been waiting for.

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