How to Get Redstone Ore and Effects

This is a page on the item Redstone Ore from the game Final Fantasy XV (FFXV, FF15). Read on to know more about this item, how to get it, and what effects it has in the game!

Redstone Ore - Basic Information

Basic Information

Type Auto-Parts
Buying price -
Selling price 50
Effect Mined ore that is used to make pigment for red paint. It fetches high prices on the market.

Additional Effect


How to Get Redstone Ore

Monsters that Drop Redstone Ore

List of Monster

Maps where Redstone Ore is Located

List of Map Location
Duscae Region

Shops where Redstone Ore can be Purchased

Not available in Shops.

Sidequests where Redstone Ore can be Found

Sidequest Map
Photo Op: Disc Duscae Region
Photo Op: Ranch Duscae Region
Photo Op: Lestallum Duscae Region
Photo Op: Crag Duscae Region
Scraps of Mystery VI Duscae Region
Scraps of Mystery VII Duscae Region
Scraps of Mystery VIII Duscae Region
Cauthess Rest Area
Scraps of Mystery IX Duscae Region
Scraps of Mystery X Duscae Region
The Aspiring Artisan Duscae Region
A Stone-Studded Stunner Duscae Region
No Pain, No Gem Duscae Region
A Treasure Beyond Measure Duscae Region
Where the Wild Chocobos Are Duscae Region
A Feathery Feast Duscae Region
Bird on the Brink Duscae Region
Fishing Buddies Duscae Region
The Pen is Mightier than the Sword Duscae Imperial Base Duscae Region
Weary and Wounded Duscae Region
Duscae Region
Weary and Wounded Duscae Region
Duscae Region
All by Myself Duscae Region
Wracked with Anxiety Duscae Region
The Faint of Heart Duscae Region
Down on Your Luck Duscae Region
Accursed Curiosity Duscae Region
Wild Beasts On The Open Road Duscae Region
The Jolly Joyrider Duscae Region
I'm Late! Duscae Region
Tune-Up, Shmune-Up Duscae Region
Shoulda Been Serviced Duscae Region
That Brand-New Car Smell Duscae Region
The Perpetual Passenger Duscae Region
Hurrying Home Duscae Region
Legend Wrapped in an Enigma Duscae Region
Cursed Legend Duscae Region
The Chopping Block Duscae Region
Up Close and Personal Duscae Region

As a Justice Monsters Five Reward

Number of Chest Gil Type
Coming Soon! Coming Soon!

Final Fantasy XV Related Links

Auto-Parts Items

Whitestone Shard Blackstone Shard Redstone Shard
Bluestone Shard Greenstone Shard Yellowstone Shard
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Whitestone Ore Blackstone Ore Redstone Ore
Bluestone Ore Greenstone Ore Yellowstone Ore
Whitestone Crystal Blackstone Crystal Redstone Crystal
Bluestone Crystal Greenstone Crystal Yellowstone Crystal
Silver Shard Gold Shard Prismatic Ore
Silver Ore Gold Ore Prismatic Shard
Basic Color Samples Advanced Color Samples Expert Color Samples
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16-Bit Buddies Racing Stripes I Racing Stripes II
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1 Anonymousabout 4 years

Wow this page is absolutely useless


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