FF7 Remake

Where to Buy Items


This is a guide to buying items in Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R). Read on to learn more about the places where you can purchase items!

Where to Buy Items

You can buy different kinds of items from different shops scattered around the map. Each shop has their items organized into categories: Items, Weapons / Armor, Accessories, and Materia. Categories are grayed out and inaccessible if the shop does not have any item on sale that falls on that category.

Shops usually sell other types of items in addition to the items under their category, like item shops selling materias, so be sure to switch categories by pressing L2 or R2 to check on other items on sale!

Item Shop

Item shop.jpg

Item Shops are where you should go if you are looking for recovery items to purchase.

Item shop logo.jpg

These are marked by a loot bag on the map.

Weapons Store

Weapons store.png

Weapons Stores sell weapons, armors, and accessories. Some weapons in the game are not available for purchase and you need to progress to later chapters before you can find purchasable weapons.

Weapons store logo.jpg

These stores are marked by a sword and a bangle on the map.

Materia Shop

Materia shop.png

Materia Shops sell different kinds of materias but are only limited to Magic materias and Complete materias.

Materia shop logo.jpg

Materia shops are marked by an orb of materia on the map.

Vending Machine

Vending machine.jpg

Vending Machines sell all four categories of items, are found nearly everywhere, and usually have a rest area right next to it. How convenient! Most of these machines have discounted items so always check them out whenever you find one.

Vending machine logo.jpg

Vending machines are marked by...a vending machine on the map.

The Moogle Emporium

The moogle emporium.png

The Moogle Emporium is a special shop located at the Sector 5 Slums which sells different kinds of rare items in exchange for moogle medals.

This shop will be accessible once you clear The Mysterious Moogle Merchant Odd Job in Chapter 8 by purchasing a Moogle Membership Card from him for 1 moogle medal. After doing so, rare items will be available for purchase from his shop.

This is the only place where you can use your moogle medals so if you have already collected a lot of moogle medals, you can spend them here for rare items, kupo!

The moogle emporium logo.jpg

This shop is marked by an encircled star on the map.



Chadley sells materias that are not purchasable anywhere else and are only limited to a few stocks. Chadley will request assistance for his Battle Intel Reports. In return, he will be able to develop a materia which you can purchase from him.

Some of the Battle Intel Reports will require Cloud to defeat a Summon in virtual reality. If Cloud manages to overcome the Summon, Chadley will give the corresponding Summon Materia to Cloud for free.

Chadley logo.jpg

Chadley is marked by a report paper and an orb of materia on the map.

Limited Discounted Items

Discounted items.png

For some shops and vending machines, you will notice a yellow number beside the Buy option. This indicates the number of discounted items available for purchase.

Be sure not to miss out on these great deals by checking every shop and vending machine that you come across!

Related Links

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Moogle Medal Locations | The Moogle Shop
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