FF7 (original or remake) Anime Adaptation


All posts (53 total)
1 Anonymous05/11/2020 3:03 AMReport

hello ^-^ so made a thread to talk about a possible FF7 anime adaptation. i personally like to see the main team in 2D versions and up for the story, too :) do you think an FF7 anime version is possible or is it too late?

    39 Anonymous05/21/2020 2:10 AMReport

    I'm more looking forward to the scenes.. The breath-taking Midgar... The characters... end just simply everything aesthetic.. in 2D!!!

    40 Anonymous05/21/2020 2:11 AMReport

    i like to see the summons especially shiva,,, i wonder what she'll look like in 2D. she's very charming & gorgeous and i want them to adapt that.

    41 Anonymous05/21/2020 11:52 PMReport

    Oh gosh, I'm torn between wanting to see an anime in the style of the remake or an anime in beautiful 2d...

    42 Anonymous05/21/2020 11:54 PMReport

    If it does end up in 2d, I wonder which anime studio's gonna pick it up? Someone mentioned Bones earlier but man...Madhouse would be good. Or lol even Shaft

    43 Anonymous05/26/2020 1:29 AMReport

    ohh never heard of Shaft.. Madhouse?? the first OVA they released is Madhouse though -.- personally don't like it.. just my opinion anyways,, it's more about the art side but the animation is not to my liking either tbh.

    44 Anonymous05/26/2020 1:31 AMReport

    That would be something to look forward. I'm very fond of Siren. Hope they make her, too.

    45 Anonymous05/26/2020 9:19 PMReport

    I can attest to Madhouse, just check out their latest works. They know how to handle good action.

    46 Anonymous05/27/2020 9:47 PMReport

    oh my god, i cannot WAIT to see the game's fight scenes lovingly rendered in beautiful 2D animation

    47 Anonymous05/27/2020 9:48 PMReport

    We've already seen a well-aniamtaed 3D anime with Advent Children, I'd rather see something new

    48 Anonymous05/27/2020 10:12 PMReport

    I don't understand the hype behind a 2D version of the story. We already know that it looks good in 3D, why change what isn't broken?

    49 Anonymous05/27/2020 10:19 PMReport

    Well for me, I'm just a fan of anime, so I'd love to see the FF7 story told in the style of one

    50 Anonymous05/27/2020 10:33 PMReport

    Like the other poster said, I think people just want something new. We got a 3D movie and an amazing-looking 3D game, so I guess people want 2D now?

    51 Anonymous05/28/2020 9:54 PMReport

    whether or not an anime will be 3d or 2d, I don't think this anime's gonna happen. I don't think there's money to spare to go into an anime while the rest of the parts are still in development.

    52 Anonymous05/28/2020 10:07 PMReport

    what do you think the chances are AFTER FF7R is completely done? I'm still holding out for the slightest chance of an anime

    53 @@qaG5Nabout 4 hoursReport


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