FF7 Remake

How to Get Chocobo Chick Materia | Chocobo Chick Summon Materia

Chocobo Chick.jpg

This is a page about the Chocobo Chick materia, a summon materia in Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R). Learn how to get the Chocobo Chick materia, the skills learned from the Chocobo Chick materia, as well as how much AP it takes to level up the Chocobo Chick materia.

Chocobo Chick Materia Skills and Information

Basic Information

Chocobo Chick Materia
Chocobo Chick.png
Materia Type Summon Materia
Effect Allows you to summon a chocobo chick.


Attack (±) Magic Attack (±) Defense (±) Magic Defense (±)
- - - -
Strength (±) Magic (±) Vitality (±) Spirit (±)
- - - -
Luck (±) Speed (±) Max HP (±) Max MP (±)
- - 27 -


Ultimate Attack Chocoflare
Deals damage to all enemies and puts them into pressured status.
Abilities Chocofire (Magnified)
Chocofire attack that hits all enemies. Has higher strength and chance to interrupt than the single-target ability and slightly increases the focus gauge.
Chocoblizzard (Magnified)
Chocoblizzard that hits all enemies. Has higher strength and chance to interrupt than the single-target ability and slightly increases the focus gauge.
Chocothunder (Magnified)
Chocothunder that hits all enemies. Has higher strength and chance to interrupt than the single-target ability and slightly increases the focus gauge.
Chocoaero (Magnified)
Chocoaero that hits all enemies. Has higher strength and chance to interrupt than the single-target ability and slightly increases the focus gauge.
Required ATB Gauge ATB Gauge 1.png

Chocobo Chick Materia Growth and Required AP

Level AP Required Acquired Skill
★1 - Invoke a chocobo chick to aid you in battle.
Role: Deals damage
Element: Fire / Ice / Lightning / Wind
Ultimate Attack: Chocoflare (Non-elemental)

How to Get the Chocobo Chick Materia

How to Get the Chocobo Chick Materia
FF7 Remake Available as a bonus for Pre-Ordering FF7 Remake
INTERmission DLC Available as Free DLC.

Currently Unobtainable

This summon was obtained as a reward for Pre-Ordering FF7 Remake. At the moment, there is no other known way to get this materia. This page will be updated if this is changed in the future!

Summon Materia Related Links

Summon Materia

List of Summon Materia and How to Get Them

List of Summon Materia
Ifrit Shiva Fat Chocobo Chocobo & Moogle
Leviathan Chocobo Chick Cactuar Carbuncle
Bahamut Ramuh

Other Materia

List of Materia

Magic Materia.pngMagic Command Materia.pngCommand Complete Materia.pngComplete Support Materia.pngSupport Summon Materia.pngSummon
Best Materia Combos | Best Materia for Hard Mode


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