FF7 Remake

Enemy Skill List and Locations | How to Get the Enemy Skill Materia and Master of Mimicry Trophy

Enemy Skill.jpg

This is a page about the Enemy Skill materia in Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R). Learn how to get the Enemy Skill materia, as well as where to find all the skills learned from the Enemy Skill material to get the Master of Mimicry Trophy.

Enemy Skill Materia Skills and Information

Basic Information

Enemy Skill Materia
Enemy Skill.png
Materia Type Command Materia
Effect Gives you a chance to learn certain enemy techniques that you've endured and use them as abilities. These abilities can only be used when the materia is set to your equipment.
Buy Price (1st Time) 100 gil


Attack (±) Magic Attack (±) Defense (±) Magic Defense (±)
- - - -
Strength (±) Magic (±) Vitality (±) Spirit (±)
- - - -
Luck (±) Speed (±) Max HP (±) Max MP (±)
- - - -

Enemy Skill Materia Growth and Required AP

Level AP Required Acquired Skill
★1 - Learn and use enemy skills

Enemy Skill List

Self-Destruct Deal a large amount of damage to enemies in the surrounding area while incapacitating self. Costs 2 ATB.
Algid Aura Imbue with a magical aura that deals ice damage on contact.
Spirit Siphon Drain HP from surrounding enemies. Costs 2 ATB.
Bad Breath Inflict poison, silence, and sleep. Costs 2 ATB.

Enemy Skill Locations | How to Get the Master of Mimicry Trophy

Check the locations below to find each of the Enemy Skills learnable in the game. If you unlock all four Enemy Skills, you'll receive the Master of Mimicry Trophy as a reward!

How to Unlock All Trophies


Monster Name Learned At
Smogger In the place where you rescue the kids in Chapter 8.
Bomb During the Odd Job A Dynamite Body (Chapter 9)
Shinra Combat Simulator vs Monsters of Legend
Varghidpolis During the Odd Job Chocobo Search (Chapter 14)
Shinra Combat Simulator vs Team Ragbag

Algid Aura

Monster Name Learned At
Cerulean Drake During the Odd Job Just Flew In from the Graveyard (Chapter 3)
At the start of Chapter 15

Spirit Siphon

Monster Name Learned At
Phantom During the Odd Job Kids on Patrol (Chapter 14)
Shinra Combat Simulator vs SOLDIER Trainees

Bad Breath

Monster Name Learned At
Malboro Shinra Combat Simulator vs Top Secrets

How to Get the Enemy Skill Materia

How to Get the Enemy Skill Materia
FF7 Remake Complete Battle Intel Report 16 (Assess 30 enemy types) and buy from Chadley for 100 gil.
INTERmission DLC Unobtainable.

Assess 30 Enemies

First, you'll need to get ahold of the Assess Materia from Chadley. Battle Intel Report 16: Monster Bio Pt.4 has you assess 30 enemy types. After doing so, speak to Chadley and he will allow you to buy this materia for 100 gil.

List of Battle Intel Reports and Rewards

Command Materia Related Links

Command Materia

List of Command Materia and How to Get Them

List of Command Materia
Assess ATB Boost Prayer Chakra
Steal Enemy Skill Ninja Cannonball

Other Materia

List of Materia

Magic Materia.pngMagic Command Materia.pngCommand Complete Materia.pngComplete Support Materia.pngSupport Summon Materia.pngSummon
Best Materia Combos | Best Materia for Hard Mode


4 Anonymousover 3 years

can you still get soul siphon after the train thing?

3 NoSleepalmost 4 years

"vs. Monsters of Legend" - Battle #5 for Malboro


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