Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Sciropescire Cairn Mystery Walkthrough

Cairn Mystery Titterstone Clee Hill Sciropescire Walkthrough - AC Valhalla.png
This guide is for the Cairn Mystery in Sciropescire in Assassin's Creed Valhalla (AC Valhalla). Read on to learn the exact location of the Cairn and how to solve the stone puzzle.

Cairn Location

Map View Overworld View

You can find this Cairn Mystery on top of a mountain in Sciropescire, just south of Dudmastun Lake.

Cairn Walkthrough

No. Objectives Guide
1 Put the widest stone first Put the widest stone in first as your base. It will help you put the other stones easily.
2 Add the stone on the right side You can add the stone on the right side on the first stone. You don't have to rotate or tilt the stone, as it will fit on it.
3 Stack the stone on the upper right side Use the stone on the upper right side as the next stone to add. Position it horizontally by rotating it and place it on currently stacked stones.
4 Place the last stone Rotate the last stone horizontally and place it on the stacked stones. Look for the more flat side of the stone to avoid messing them up.
5 Validate the stone Validate it after adding the last stone to complete the puzzle and earn 1 Skill Point

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