Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Bone-Biter Stats and Location

This is a page on the weapon Bone-Biter from Assassin's Creed Valhalla (AC Valhalla). Read more to find out its base stats, enhancements available, upgrades, and where to find it!

Bone-Biter Stats

Base Stats

Bone-Biter Icon.png
Type Dane Axe Align Wolf Icon.pngWolf
Atk 69 Spd 35
Stn 65 Crit 43
Wgt 18
Rune Slots 0 Upgrades 2
Increases Stun after a heavy hit [up to 10 times]

These stats are of Base Level (Power 1 Eivor)

Max Stats

Bone-Biter Icon.png
Type Dane Axe Align Wolf Icon.png
Atk 125 Spd 35
Stn 115 Crit 63
Wgt 18
Rune Slots 3 Upgrades 10 (MAX)
Increases Stun after a heavy hit [up to 10 times]

These stats are of Base Level (Power 1 Eivor)

Bone-Biter Enhancements


Bone-Biter Upgrade 1 Cost 3 Carbon Ingots
Max Upgrades 4
Rune Slots 1


Bone-Biter Upgrade 2 Cost 3 Nickel Ingots
Max Upgrades 7
Rune Slots 2


Bone-Biter Upgrade 3 Cost 3 Tungsten Ingots
Max Upgrades 10 (MAX)
Rune Slots 3

How to Get Bone-Biter?

Region Rygjafylke
Location Ikke en Oy

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