Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE3H)

Lorenz Ability, Stats, and Skills

This page is about Lorenz, a character in Fire Emblem: Three houses (FE3H). Read on to see Lorenz's profile, skill strengths and weaknesses, associated crest, personal skill, base stats, and how to recruit Lorenz!

Lorenz: General Info

Lorenz's General Information

Faction Leicester Alliance
Status Noble
How to Recruit Lorenz
To recruit Lorenz, you need to have a high Charm. You also need to excel in Reason.
Lorenz's Crests
Crest of Gloucester Occasionally raises Mt during magic attacks.

Lorenz's Likes and Interests

Interests Monitoring Claude, writing poetry
Likes Tea, red roses, art, worth women, anything that befits the nobility.
Dislikes Coffee, injustice, filth, foul odors, vulgarity

Lorenz: Base Stats

HP Move Strength Magic Dexterity
28 4 8 7 6
Speed Luck Defense Resist Charm
7 5 6 6 3

Lorenz: Strengths and Weaknesses

Personal Ability
Distinguished House Unit deals 2 extra damage while in formation with a battalion.
Budding Talent
Skill Required Ability Learned

FE3H Related Links

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Birthday List

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