
How Much Should You Level Up Your Runes


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Runes Level Up - MementoMori

Runes needed to be on a certain level to effectively help your characters in their matches. Learn more about how much you should level up your runes and at which levels you should synthesize them.

How Much Should You Level Up Your Runes

Runes level - MementoMori

Remember that rune sets equipped by characters may differ depending on the game mode. Please check the character's Build for Runes and Team Comps.

Recommended Rune Level for DPS/Carry

Cordie Main Quest - MementoMori

While this may differ from character to character, the usual DPS rune set will have PM. DEF Break and SPD Runes. It is best to understand that you will need a lot of PM. DEF Break runes for the Main Quest and Tower of Infinity and SPD for Battle League and Legend League.

Initially, it would be best to give DPS characters like Cordie and Florence rune levels of 8 - 9 PM DEF Break on the offensive runes side (left), and it will get you to enough chapters from the Main Quest.

At Chapter 18, you should be at level 9 PM. DEF Break Runes on your left rune set, and at Chapter 20, you should have around level 11 PM. DEF Break Runes or higher.

Both Cordie and Florence should have 12 - 13 PM. DEF Break Runes on the left side of the rune set to make them clear the Main Quest. If you do not have 12-13 PM. DEF Break runes, you can purchase more from the Rune Shop.

Where to Get Runes

Recommended Rune Level for Certain Supports

Your support should be speed-tuned to effectively use their skills for the character to benefit her ally or to hinder the enemy. The rune level for this one will depend on their skills. If they have a skill that requires them to move before the attacker, their SPD needs to be higher than the attacker's.

For example, Merlyn has an active skill, Like Master Would Do, that can give your main attacker a 30% ATK stat boost, which lets them deal more damage to enemies. Merlyn will have to move before your main attacker gets Merlyn's buff. You'll have to tune Merlyn and your main attacker's SPD stats in a way for that to happen.

Speed Tuning Guide

Maximum Rune Level

Rune Levels Reach Up To Level 15

As of writing, rune levels can reach up to level 15. In addition to 2 runes of 14 to get level 15, you will also need 300 diamonds as a required cost.

Rune Guide

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How Much Should You Level Up Your Runes


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