Favorite song from the soundtrack?


All posts (8 total)
1 Anonymous05/22/2020 12:21 AMReport

FF7 Remake has a really good soundtrack and I was wondering what everyone's favorites are! Me personally I reallly like the credits song, Hollow

    2 Anonymous05/22/2020 12:23 AMReport

    My favorite has always been One Winged Angel, ever since the original game. it just sounds so epic

    3 Anonymous05/22/2020 12:25 AMReport

    always a fan of the battle theme, even if you hear it like a thousand times throughout the entire game

    4 Anonymous05/22/2020 12:27 AMReport

    all the variations of Aerith's theme sound really nice and peaceful...it might be one of my favorite songs period

    5 Anonymous05/26/2020 1:23 AMReport

    i like that song too!! it just tells the whole story (Cloud at the center stage)

    6 Anonymous05/26/2020 1:24 AMReport

    now i'm starting to miss FF's end battle song -.-

    7 Anonymous06/02/2020 12:45 AMReport

    I'm a fan of the prelude. what a classic. It's been the same since the first FF and there hasn't been any reason to change it

    8 @@qaG5Nabout 4 hoursReport


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