FF7 Remake Walkthrough Comments


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    3 Cid, the Air Ship Pilotover 4 yearsReport

    Post is a reply to "Anonymous 1" regarding "Letter from the Guardian Angel" (key item), along with an attached Elemental Materia [2]. I did receive it as well, and have put up a post detailing how I came across it.

    2 Cid, the Air Ship Pilotover 4 yearsReport

    I assume you at least have to do "Tomboy Bandit" (causing 'Angel of the Slums' to appear where Kyrie was in the church), and "Corneo's Secret Stash" (she gives the treasure stash locations). Once these quests are completed the "Letter" is on the road from Wall Mart to begin Ch. 15, the one with "Avalanche" graffiti on the wall, find it on the ground, in the form of a card, near the enter/exit to the sewers. (Note if it still isn't there then you may need to complete all Ch.14 side quests first).

    1 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    After finishing this quest but before moving onto Chapter 15 (before using grappling gun given by Leslie), I went to finish the pull-up Minigame. Walked back to Urban Advancement District to continue main story, picked up "Letter from the Guardian Angel" and an Elemental Materia (my second one in game). Anyone else confirm?

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