FF7 Remake

How to Complete The Stagger Effect Pt. 2 | What Materia Do you Get?

The Stagger Effect Pt. 2 EDITED.png
This is a guide to the Battle Intel Report No. 4: The Stagger Effect Pt. 2 in Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R). Find out tips and strategy on how to complete this Chadley Report and obtain the ATB Boost Materia.

How to Complete No. 4: The Stagger Effect Pt. 2

The Stagger Effect Pt. 2

No.4: The Stagger Effect Pt. 2
Research shows that staggering one's foes positively impacts morale in battle. I aim to analyze this phenomenon and replicate a similar sensation via materia. More data is required before pursuing development.
Stagger 15 enemy types.

What Materia Do you Get?

Obtain the ATB Boost Materia

You can receive the ATB Boost Materia for completing this mission.

The Stagger Effect Pt. 2 Guide

Use abilities that significantly increase stagger gauges

You'll need to stagger 15 types of enemy in order to clear the The Stagger Effect Pt. 2 Battle Report. The easiest way to do it is by making use of weapon abilities that can increase enemies' stagger gauges. The list below gives weapon skills for each of the first three characters that will help stagger an enemy faster. Try equipping these weapons or using the weapon skill after learning them for faster staggering!

Most effective abilities for staggering

Character Ability/ / Weapon
Cloud Ability:
Focused Thrust (Stager increase: Large)
Weapon this ability is learned from:
Buster Sword
Barret Ability:
Focused Shot (Stager increase: Large)
Weapon this ability is learned from:
Gatling Gun
Tifa Ability:
Focused Strike (Stager increase: Moderate)
Weapon this ability is learned from:
Sonic Strikers

Enemies have more HP on higher difficulty levels

The other important factor in completing this report is that you need to be able to stagger an enemy. If their HP is too low, you will finish them off before getting a chance to stagger them, so if you are on Easy Mode, try changing the difficulty up to Normal Mode to make this Battle Report... easier.

In order to see how much HP an enemy has left, you can use the Assess Materia.

How to Change Difficulty

Battle Intel Report Related Links

List of Battle Intel Reports
No.1 Monster Bio Pt. 1
No.2 Magic Elements Pt. 1
No.3 The Stagger Effect Pt. 1
No.4 The Stagger Effect Pt. 2
No.5 Combat Simulation: Shiva
No.6 Monster Bio Pt. 2
No.7 Magic Elements Pt. 2
No.8 The Manipulation Technique
No.9 Monster Variants Pt. 1
No.10 Combat Simulation: Fat Chocobo
No.11 Monster Bio Pt. 3
No.12 The Stagger Effect Pt. 3
No.13 Refocus Analysis
No.14 The Stagger Effect Pt. 4
No.15 Combat Simulation: Leviathan
No.16 Monster Bio Pt. 4
No.17 Weapon Abilities
No.18 MP Consumption
No.19 Monster Variants Pt.2

Battle Intel Reports


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