How To Obtain Leviathan

This is the page for Game8's guide to summoning the Hexatheon Leviathan. Details about this summon, as well as stats, what to expect when encountering it for the first time, and where to find it is found here.

Leviathan General Information


Basic Stats

HP 290,000 LVL 42
Size 5 EXP 2,486
Vitality 127 Strength 3,070
Parry? No

Strengths and Weaknesses

Physical Damage
Sword 10% Shield 10%
Greatsword 10% Spear 10%
Dagger 10% Gun 10%
Machine 10%
Elemental Damage
Fire 10% Ice 10%
Lightning 10% Light 10%

Leviathan Moveset

Summon Move
Maelstrom Summons all the water in the surrounding area. Water engulfs all enemies, as in a tidal wave.

Where To Get Leviathan

Leviathan can be summoned after Chapter IX - The Trial of Leviathan, where the colossal beast will have to be tamed through combat. Find out more details about Chapter IX below:
The Trial of Leviathan - Story Walkthrough and Guide

Final Fantasy XV Related Links

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