Astral Summons

This is the page for the Astrals, the name the summons go by in Final Fantasy XV (FFXV, FF15). Learn more about their stats, their strengths, and their backstories here!

FFXV List of Summons

FFXV_Astrals banner
The Six, as they are collectively known, are the gods and protectors of Eos. Gain an edge in battle by learning more about them here!

Summoned Astrals
FFXV_Titan_thumb Titan FFXV_Ramuh_thumb Ramuh FFXV_Leviathan_thumb Leviathan
FFXV_Shiva_thumb Shiva FFXV_Ifrit_thumb Ifrit FFXV_Bahamut_thumb Bahamut

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