List of Weapons

This page contains a list of all Weapons your party comes across in Final Fantasy XV (FFXV, FF15). Read on to know more about all the Weapons in the game and their usage.

FFXV List of Weapons.png

List of Weapons and their Usage


Swords are one-handed weapons that can ony be equipped by Noctis and can deliver quick attacks.
List of Swords


Greatswords are two-handed weapons available to Noctis and Gladiolus. This kind of weapon delivers slow but powerful attacks.
List of Greatsword


Polearms are highly technical weapons available to Noctis and Ignis. This kind of weapon is suited for aerial combat and delivers straight line attacks. It is faster to use but deals lesser damage.
List of Polearms


Daggers are the shortest range weapons used by Noctis and Ignis. It is a very fast weapon like polearms but has low power attacks.
List of Daggers


Firearms are long range weapons available to Noctis and Prompto. Delivers fast and solid attack power but damage dealt lessens as distance increases.
List of Firearms


Shields are equipments used for defensive purposes. This are available for Noctis and Gladiolus.
List of Shields


Machinery are weapons available to Noctis and Prompto. It is a slow but powerful cannons that can be deployed to defeat strong mechs.
List of Machinery

Royal Arms

Royal Arms are weapons that can ony be equipped by Noctis. It is a very powerful weapon, but consumes HP and MP when used.
List of Royal Arms

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